It's getting there. I'm really happy at the state the game is in right now, it's fully functional at least and has a nice chunk of content already. Might even get to dedicate the rest of the available hours to polishing.
Do have most of the mechanics
I Included a picture just to prove that yes I am really missing art work
Oh And I woke up to find unity had 'misplaced' some of me scene information.
Usually people only seem to post pictures of stuff that looks amazing, - I thought I would try and make everyone who's project is looking in a worse state feel a bit better that at least they aren't alone.
It will hopefully be a turn based squad game - imagine xcom only missing most of the features. Sounds promising right? ;)
Get ready for the most strange gaming experience :D
Here is a little sneak peak of our little game.
i decided to do some of the polishing work yesterday evening, like title and end screens, so that today the "only" thing i had to do is enemy AI. simple right?:-(
Aside from a few issues and adding a start screen and end screen, all that's left to do is add more levels… which'll probably be harder than I'm imagining.
I need to make more levels then I'll just have polish and music left…
I've been making some pretty good sounds with my mouth:
click me
Also, a UFO crashed.
I can't finish :'(
There are many reasons why,
but I will be looking forward to rating everyone else's…
Maybe I can finish next time!
If I get enough work done I can finish… Here is a sneak peek of what I have done.
I need to make a sound track and add some levels. I spent most of my time
trying to fix this one bug ;'(…
Sneak peak:
Also if someone
could teach me how to put an image instead of just a link…