
Late development but on track! 0

inacho_ • 5 years ago on 5th Alakajam! 

Got the tiles ready and now setting up the levels. Hopefully we will have something cool at the end :)

Enemies! 2

neverix • 5 years ago on 5th Alakajam! 

My main game mechnic is finished - there is now "risk": enemies!

Day 2 - Game Engine, Graphics, SFX, and Core Gameplay 1

oriondark7 • 5 years ago on 5th Alakajam! 

Today was a tiring day, but at least it was a fun one.

I am 98% done with all the game mechanics, I just have to fix one thing and I'm all finished. I added a screen where you can cast spells by clicking any of the culinary utilities (I really don't know what else to call it that sounds that cool.). I added a feature where you can view orders by Right-Clicking on Customers, and take their orders by left clicking on them. When you finish casting spells on the food, just left click on them again to serve the food. They will then give you a score out of 10 on how well you did, and even leave a short comment on how you did and what you could do better (If you didn't get a perfect score, of course).

I tried experimenting with drawing all the Sprites on my Drawing Tablet this time, but it doesn't look all that great because of how low resolution the game actually is, so I might go back and change it again later, maybe using Illustrator or a vector editor instead.

Then comes the fun part of today, recording Sound Effects and taking Photos. My family and I went to a local diner today and we recorded some really cool sounds for background noise, and took a lot of cool photos that worked as really cool Menu Screen Backgrounds. But, most importantly, I ate a pretty good Cheeseburger, so it was an overall good experience.

And finally, I worked on the Core Objectives and Gameplay. I started out with adding a simple goal, which was to make X dollars before the day ended. To do this, you have to fine tune and perfect your Food recipes to get more tips. Later on I'm going to add a Shop where you can use the Money you've made to buy perks and more new, valuable food recipes to serve at your Restaurant / Diner to increase Revenue and expand the game even further.

I'm still not going to add Screenshots yet, as I don't think it's really the best it can be, so I'm going to wait to later tomorrow. That being said, Hasta mañana, mi amigos.

Collectibles added 1

neverix • 5 years ago on 5th Alakajam! 

I have just added collectibles to my game. It was a bit harder than I thought it would be because I'm used to thinking in terms of monolithic engines that handle everything for you.

I… I honestly don't know what to do now. Some feedback right now would be really helpful, and while the with instructions for building is available, I doubt most people will actually do it so I made a test build and published it =>

Playing the game:

  1. Download the index.html and main.js files and put them in one folder;
  2. Open the index.html file in the browser.
  3. Type letters and press enter to cast spells (there's autocomplete). There are currently 5 spells: left, down, up, right (for moving) and a test spell: "kool spell". You can get it by picking up yellow collectibles.


I nuked myself. 1

Game almost done. 0

Sammy6 • 5 years ago on 5th Alakajam! 

Super happy with how it's turning out. Tommorow will just be tweaks and maybe a few new features.

this gif is faster than I thought

Writing, GUI & testing (16 hours in) 0

HuvaaKoodia • 5 years ago on 5th Alakajam! 

So ah, everything but the voiceovers… Something for tomorrow then, eh! No pressure.

Should be able to put in some other sounds too. What did the rules say about third party assests again? I'll look into it with fresh eyes.


Maybe i can finish this time 0

dwkuow • 5 years ago on 5th Alakajam! 

My game is going fine. I think i wll finish him until the deadline.

Oldschool Vibes 0

Odrez • 5 years ago on 5th Alakajam! 

Day one over! I've had a few interruptions but that didn't hurt my jam too much. I'm happy with my progress.

  • Playstation 1 style graphics ✓
  • Forced Cameras ✓
  • Highly intelligent student A.I. ✓

Really looking forward to what I can do with this tomorrow. Low budget Life is Strange meets Harry Potter? You bet!

Anyways, I want this to be a relaxed weekend and not force myself. It's about the fun, remember.

Elchimist 0

dgeisert • 5 years ago on 5th Alakajam! 

I've got some enemies in and the game start and end flow.

Any thoughts on the instructions?