Shortlist voting started 3

dollarone • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

During the last week, over 200 theme suggestions have been submitted and almost 9000 votes have been cast.

Now the second round of theme voting starts: Shortlist voting! This means theme submission is no longer possible - instead, the ten most popular themes from the first phase will be available for everyone to rank. Drag and drop the themes into a ranked list in order of preference.

If you have not done yet, also feel free to create an "I am in" Post. What tools are you using? What is your setup like? Did you take part in previous gamejams? Tell the community a little bit about you and your goals for the upcoming 3rd Alakajam!

Finally, in one week, the jam kicks off! Exciting!

Comments (3)

 • 6 years ago • 

I really want to know who submitted Everything is edible x)

 • 6 years ago • 

Oh crap, one of mine got in. I'm not telling you all which one, though.
What was so bad about Kids Show, though? I was hoping we'd get a million variants of violent Barney and Sesame Street.

 • 6 years ago • 

@Wan it was me! my only theme that made it to the shortlist so far haha

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