After a full month of competition, the 1st AKJ Tournament is finally closed. Congratulations to @CMLSC for the well-deserved win! Nice job as well to @dollarone and @toasty who managed to get in the podium, and to all of the participants.
If you liked the event, know that we intend to make it a regular thing, the next occurrence being planned for the month of September. Some questions for next time:
Any other thought or suggestion is welcome.
As for the next event… The 3rd Alakajam is finally approaching! It will be hosted in th 22-24th June week-end, which means the detailed schedule will be published next Monday. See you then :)
I think the tournament has been a valuable experience (and a whole lot of fun!): we've likely played these jam games much more than we would otherwise have, and maybe picked up some good feedback or learned a bit about game design along the way.
As for the questions:
Congrats @CMLSC !
8 games was good, I think up to 10 would be ok. I think most of the games were a good fit for a tournament, although I think we should have picked a single level from Lollipop Ninja. I liked that there were a lot of different games.
Prizes - I don't really mind - only potential issue is that people might take it more seriously and cheat to win.
As for the time, a month is in theory good for a lot of people to join the tournament - but in practice most people played in the first and/or last week, so I think a week or two would have worked as well.