This website is inspired by a writing project (I won't dare say novel) I've been working on for fun for a few months. Because that project has some environmental overtones, this idea is set in a similar universe, although a very different time period.
There is no game, this is just a small website you can freely explore to assemble the pieces of this small SF world.
@Tushar Never :D It's probably not a serious question but I'll answer seriously anyway: I decided from the start I'd write it for fun and practice, because I know I will 100% fail if I start thinking about reaching "publishable quality" (just as I failed by being too perfectionnist with my first commercial game project). If I ever finish the novel, I think I'll just print it for a couple friends so I can get an external opinion on my writing skills.
Thanks for the nice comment!
I see. Well its your writing so you decide!
Personally I really liked the concept of it….The status of different stations and that a max of only six people can be on one of them…These are nice concepts. (Also it looks live very less humans remain as there are not many active stations!). The concept has a lot of potential if handled correctly. If you ever publish the book I would definitely be interested into gaining more lore of this alternate world.
Thanks for the positive feedback guys, I appreciate it.
@ratrogue I just bought Normal Lost Phone, so far it looks like they're making great use of the concept to create storytelling. I don't often see this kind of effort to combine game design & writing to make something very original (last time was Her Story maybe). It's a approach that I feel is under-exploited, and which I've been thinking about a lot.
When's the novel releasing ;) ? The website is quite immersive; it feels like reading a novel but the lore is scattered around the site so the reader has to actively search around. All in all nice concept.