Neon Hijack

High Speed Building Climbing

In this game you play as a burglar trying to scape the crime scene.

Avoid obstacles as you jump from building to building in this high paced game.

Let the music flow throw your body as the adrenalin keeps rising.

Be carefull, as when you're in one wall, you can't see the obstacles on the other wall, so think carefully before jumping or avoid it double jumping.

Compete against other player in the highscores table, be the best.

Check the Soundtrack!


Space - Jump from wall to wall


@YuriChan - Art

@Akame - Art

@zRoz - Programming, Art

@FabulousDesu - Programming, Direction, Music

@Rubn - Programming, Publishing, Sound Design

Voting results


This game entered in the Team competition (20 entries).

Comments (20)

 • 7 years ago • 

I played the game quite a while and i finally made it to the highscores. I like the way you used the theme to make hazards appear and disappear. I cant believe that there are people with over 10.000 points!

 • 7 years ago • 

Really good game, would consider making an android app if I was you! (I reaaaally want to make it to the high score btw)

  • 7 years ago • 

@Aukadauma we are really considering making the game an app, thanks for the feedback.

 • 7 years ago • 

Nice, but hard!

  • 7 years ago • 

@StudioWaterzooi hahaha, that was the objective of the game, so thanks

Caique Assis
(@caiqueassis) • 7 years ago • 


Seeing that I make mostly arcade games myself, it's nice seeing one in the jam (even if I didn't do one this time). Very easy to understand and fun to play - that same old tale of "easy to play and hard to master" that we arcade game developers always strive for ;)

And a leaderboard in 48h? Damn!

 • 7 years ago • 

Quite hard! But the graphics and music are great :)

 • 7 years ago • 

Fun game to play, after getting the timing for the triple jump right it is possible to avoid every obstacle.
One thing that I've noticed is that after clicking cancel on the name selection, NULL is displayed as player name, and UNDEFINED on highscores instead of default player name. I've got the 6428 score before changing the name to get 5022 one.
Other thing is that the single burger obstacle might get repetitive sometimes which makes some of the runs easier than other.
Music is good and fits to the game theme.

 • 7 years ago • 

Great game!

Definitely got that old timey arcade vibe that is super consistent throughout. Someone mentioned it above, but this seems perfect for a tap induced rage as a phone app, you guys should add a bit to it and look into that! Definitely the most fun gameplay I've experienced in the jam so far!

 • 7 years ago • 

Fun game to play¡¡¡
The most fun gameplay.
@rubn Music is good . Great game!

 • 7 years ago • 

Nice game with a good visual design! The art works great although it's a bit rough. Make another iteration and publish it in google play store :D
Mechanics work great, but I'm too slow for the pace. The high score list is a great addition even if I can't get there. Good job :)

 • 7 years ago • 

I died so many times.

I liked everything about it, but I feel like all aspects could use a bit more polish. Still, a great achievement for 48 hours!

 • 7 years ago • 

I really love the music!

Such a hard game. Perhaps the game could be a little easier in the beginning and get harder as you go? I found it got very hard very fast.

 • 7 years ago • 

Really fun, if damn frustrating. No way i'm ever getting to the highscore couldn't even make 1000. Really enjoyed the music too. Was kind of confused by the mid air jump back, but sure why not. Also agreen with @bradur that difficulty should ramp up a bit more slowly to stop people rage quitting too soon. But overall great entry. Agree would make a great app

 • 7 years ago • 

this was fantastically frustrating. the soundtrack was neat- i got a very snes kinda vibe but i'm not sure why.

i am miserable at your game.

 • 7 years ago • 

I didn't last more than a few seconds, but I see how this game would be like crack for actually competent players ;) The controls… I mean, the control… is very simple and responsive. The music is great, the sounds are a bit grating but still effective.

 • 7 years ago • 

I think you nailed it guys! Hard, simple controls and addictive, all we ask for an arcade game! Well done ;) !

 • 7 years ago • 

I finally got into the top 10 leaderboard, so I'm pretty sure that means I can retire from video games forever now, right?

The game is fun and kind of addictive, as evidenced by the fact that I spent so long trying to get onto the high score table. Good music, charming concept, and I love the burglar's animations. It can be a bit frustrating at times, though. The hitboxes are brutally large, which can make it sometimes feel unfair, even though the movement is very consistent. I also noticed that it tends to generate long stretches of the same kind of obstacle. Since there are some obstactles that only appear on one side, that made for long stretches that were much easier than normal. In my experience, whether I got a good score or not depended largely on how many of those sections I encountered, which felt a bit more luck-based than I would have liked. Still, you obviously kept me playing for a long time, so feel free to take my complaints with a hefty grain of salt.

 • 7 years ago • 

It's challenging, i.e fun. Good! First hurdle passed!

The audio-visuals are ok too, second hurdle passed!

The thematic connection is lacking. Third hurdle passed! The idea of not seeing what's on the other wall is novel, but in practice it does not matter at all. The obstacles appear so fast that it is the same as they hadn't disappeared at all.

These type of one-button challenges are a dime a dozen on mobile markets. Go for it, if you have the time though; it is totally worth releasing things. Not that original, is what I'm saying.

Regardless, good work overall.

Overall: 7 (Good)
Graphics: 7 (Good)
Audio: 7 (Good)
Gameplay: 7 (Good)
Originality: 4 (Below average)
Theme: 2 (Terrible)

PS. Idea: Put some coins or similar in there to collect. Incentivises the player to take risks.

 • 7 years ago • 

Fun game, quite challenging!

The controls are simple to learn, but very hard to master. Never before, has texture pop-in been so lethal!

The music and sounds were quite nice, and fit the gameplay well. A bit more variety in the obstacles could have been nice, but it worked quite well as it is.

Jump, jump, for your life!
There's a long way to the top!
Oh no! It's a |ZAP!!|

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