Stellar Wilds

You're an asteroid exploring as many galaxies as possible without causing damage to any planet !

Hello everyone! This is my first game created for my first game jam. Being new to game development, this has been an incredible experience, and I've learned so much during these 72 hours.

I'm partially satisfied with the outcome. However, I plan to continue improving the game to reach a result I'm truly happy with.

Known bugs:
- Full-screen mode is currently not supported.
- Issues with background scrolling.

Upcoming improvements:
- Power-ups
- Improved planet spawning
-Better gravity management

I'm both nervous and excited to hear your feedback.

Thank you so much for this amazing experience!

Comments (3)

 • 3 days ago • 

Hello !
My best score was 1.98 light-years … until I understood how to exploit gravity ! So now it's 24.33 light-years !
Congratulations for your first entry, the concept is very interesting, it would be awesome if it were possible to "chain" the gravity attraction, but that's probably harder to have multiple element interacting in the same time without too much bug to fix !
ps: the fullscreen worked for me.
pps: Don't forget to add an image of the game for the preview to be more catchy :).

 • 3 days ago • 

Game is really nice. Once I got the gravity thing down it was good.

 • 3 days ago • 

Interesting idea, I like the idea of a sort of endless runner gravity slingshot game, even if the implementation does fall short somewhat. Understandable since this is your first game (72h is kind of brutal in that regard). Good to hear you are going to keep developing it, good luck!

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