Joined 1 month ago
Thank you so much for playing my game. It means a great deal.
I chose the upside down approach because I wanted to have the cannon change positions on the screen, left, right, top, bottom but there just wasn't enough time.
You are right, it is time to add some music and particle affects.
I am going to add some bonus ups too:
If anyone in the community can think of anything else that might be cool to add to the game I would love to hear it.
Thanks to all who have played the game, it is greatly appreciated.
My game is a downloadable executable for Windows.I imagine you get the message where Windows does not want you to execute the program.
I am curious as to how many here do not download a game and play it, but will more likely play a web based game.
The reason I ask is that I am thinking about learning how to use emscripten and if it is worth the trouble.
Thanks ahead of time for any input.
As we all know 48 hours is really not enough time to create a finished game. We can make a loose outline and put some graphics on the screen but ultimately if your idea is good then there will be a lot of work to do.
I think I am going to continue building this game. I am going to add a few things as are depicted in the list below:
Update the High Score Screen:
Fix the High Score handler to display your last five scores in order.
I am thinking about writing a little server client handler to store everyones score and then show the high scores of everyone.
Start Screen
Update the Start Screen where you can enter a player name.
Add Bonus Ups
Change ball to add a multiplier
Add different sized balls
Finally, where is a good place to upload images so I can post some images of the game?
Well, just three hours left then have to prepare the UL.
This game has so much potential.
What you are going to see is like a blocked out version.
No real graphics because I am really bad at it, so place holders
I am horrible at making music and sound so no music, no sound effects.
Just thought I would stream my development on YouTube
I watched a video by one of my favorite coders DaFluffyPotato and decided to try this Jam.
Looks like fun, you guys are very organized.
Hopefully I will have an entry that folks will enjoy.
I will be using SDL3 and C/C++
Thanks for hosting the jam, and I am in!!