Joined 1 year ago
I'll go to sleep. I spent a lot of my day having a rocket flying, some missiles and asteroids to shoot. I have a symbolic victory condition when you shoot enough asteroids.
I hope I'll succeed to make good sounds tomorrow.
Hello everyone !
I'm in. I'll use Inkscape / Haxe / ESpir (custom framework based on HaxeFlixel) and I'll try to create a shoot'em'up with a rocket similar to the talkyIO one (those who knows, knows).
I spent the evening trying to find an idea interesting and doable, from tycoon game of small platform that must produce thrust with hydrogen and oxygen to rubber ball you launch from a big skytower passing by falling sand games, that was hard to find a sweet spot between interesting and that can be developped in a week end.
In the last LudumDare I had a game playable the saturday night, and that's very good to have a day to polish it (as opposed as being able to play the game for the first time 15minutes before the end). So a shoot em up should be a good scope.
I finished my first assets, now I'll implement the rocket.