Spelunk the Junk

Your cities water supply is full of junk and it's making people sick! Deploy your junk rover and clean up the water source.

Your cities water supply is full of junk and it's making people sick! Deploy your junk rover and clean up the water source.

Voting results


This game entered in the Team competition (6 entries).

Comments (8)

 • 3 years ago • 

It took me a while to understand how to get into the cave. Once there, I found the game very pleasant to look at, music was good too. Unfortunately the gameplay drags on quite a bit, avoiding the mines is very easy, and wondering about what sort of junk people throw into water loses its shine after first three rooms.

The idea and message are nice though. The game would benefit from a bit more challenge though.

 • 3 years ago • 

I tried several times to steer the junk rover into the cave, but kept crashing. I must be doing something wrong. A way to skip that stage would be ideal. The graphics are impressive though.

 • 3 years ago • 

Ah, never mind. I just got in. I think I was trying too hard.

 • 3 years ago • 

In games, destroying an environment is much more exciting than saving one. The most interesting part of this game is the junk. Nature tends to be repetitious. You could reverse the basic premise of this game by making it junk-friendly, or by adding a destructible environment.

Also, the music in and of itself isn't bad, but it seems out of place. A kind of ambient music with a darker mood would go a long way in enhancing the feel of the game.

On a positive note, the lighting and graphics are very good. All in all, it's an unusual concept, and you did a good job of avoiding bugs and dead ends.

 • 3 years ago • 

I'm not sure I understand how to play. I can make mines explode with the left button but the junk stays. I can make shiny circles with the right button but I don't understand what they do. The instruction manual was left on the plane, displayed a point when none of it made sense yet and I was too worried about figuring out how to hit that cave at 1 fps…

I like the variety of junk though; especially the bag of money made me grin.

Did you actually create all these models and textures during the jam? If so, I'm very impressed! If not, I think you can still switch to the Unranked division; see the rules for details.

(@jcatie) • 3 years ago • 

This ended up being a nice chill cleaning game :D I thought this was going to be a serious military mission after parashooting off a plane! This game held a few surprises and there was definitely a lot of content that you managed to get into the game!

The beginning being a whole minigame in itself was interesting. Although, it's maybe not something that's immediately understood as the instructions are on the screen, making it feel like an idle menu.

By the time I was in the cave I had kind of forgotten what to do and I just swam around through the junk avoiding all the mines :D Then I found my mouse buttons and started blowing up mines and collecting junk. Regardless of this, I almost got through to the end without doing anything besides swimming around so there could be need for amping up the difficulty. But definitely a cool idea!

The music made this feel like a chill exploring game :D I liked the track!

 • 3 years ago • 

This game has to have one of the most cinematic opening sequences of Alakajam history in the stupid Hollywood action film way. :D That was fun!
The game overall had a nice vibe, good music and cool particles. But there wasn't much in terms of gameplay. I mean it seems like an action game, but there's no tension because nothing is really threatening you.
Still it was nice going through the maze. Good stuff :D

 • 3 years ago • 

I liked the intro sequence and the game was fairly relaxing and well made. I think it definitely gets boring as it goes on though. There isn't really much of a threat and the gameplay never evolves. I honestly started to think that it just went on forever and there would never be an end. Maybe some additional obstacles or a time limit would have made it more engaging. Still though, good job overall!

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Spelunk the Junk


