You're in charge of the colour factory! Mix and distil your way to the required colours!
Colour Factory is a puzzle game much like Pipe Dream, only with colours. You connect pipes to certain processors that can mix or distil the colour into secondary or primary colours. You have been given some input colour(s) and the wanted output colours have been decided. Now it's up to you to create them!
There is also a timed challenge specifically made for the ScoreSpace x Alakajam tournament: who can create the right factory fastest? The timer ends when you hit the factory button. Good luck!
I added mouse support in the last hour or so, do let me know if there's any bugs!
Apart from that, use arrows and X* to place pipes, and Z* to focus on the factory button (and then X to confirm you want to start it!).
(* PICO-8 buttons are configurable but defaults are X/V/M and Z/C/N)
Some animated gameplay!
Controls were a bit confusing, well, not really as it is explained, what was confusing is me trying to select a different pipes, until I realized you have to place them as they come.
Got stuck on the level with Green and Pink, no clue what to do there.
Overall a really nice concept and nice mechanics and graphics.
I like this, but I wish there was some way for the splitter pipes to indicate which side each color comes out. For example, when splitting a green pipe, I expected yellow to come out the top and blue to come out the bottom, but it was the opposite. It can be a bit frustrating to find that out when you had otherwise connected the pipes correctly, since you have no way of knowing it'll come out that way.
thanks for feedback!
@birdwards - agree that it is annoying. I couldn't think of a sensible way to do it, apart from hardcoding all the possible combinations.
@CFusion and @treslapin - agree that undo or being able to pick up placed pipes would be great. Just didn't have time. There is a reset button in the menu, by the way (press enter for menu).
Also agree that it's not clear that you have to place the pipes as they come. With the added mouse controls, it would be more intuitive to be able to select a pipe. Did you all play with mouse or keys?
@dollarone: I mainly used the mouse to place pipes and it felt natural. Didn't really use the keyboard controls as I would need to manually move across the board. Nothing wrong with them, just mouse controls were what i used more.
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A bit confusing at first, but when you understand the controls it become a pretty correct game. It's far from perfect, but I liked it.