I've finished the basics for my game. Unfortunately, I can't make it too fancy because I've got 3 midterms on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I'm hoping to finish about 27 hours in.
The November Challenge is an event in which you release and market a game or game related product during the month of November with the goal of making $1. The goal is to use (and hopefully improve!) your release and marketing skills with the goal of making money off of something you made!
Your product can be a game or anything game related. This includes tools, assets, etc..
The goal is to make money off of your product and learn about the release and marketing process. The amount of money earned is somewhat arbitrary, but if you want to set an amount, you can use 1 unit of your local currency.
People are encouraged to give feedback on each other's products. Even if you didn't buy someone's product, you can still give them feedback on their marketing efforts!
You can complete an old project or start a completely new one! The only requirement is that the project is released during the month of November.
As the name implies, it's during the month of November. (Nov. 1st 7PM UTC to Dec. 1st 7PM UTC) The 1st November Challenge will be held this November and hosted by me!
Unfortunately, I'll have a lot of other stuff to do during this AKJ. I'll still try to make a game though. :D
Tools and Stoff:
Here's my last AKJ entry:
If this isn't supposed to be posted here, I blame @toasty. He told me to.
Click for Super Potato Bruh Release Trailer
Anyway, Super Potato Bruh has been released. It's a platformer with some bullet hell elements!
It's available here (source included!): https://cmlsc.itch.io/super-potato-bruh
There's no way I'll be able to win this one.
They're all from genres I tend to be bad at aside from MAD SEED and Whirling Blades (mine). It doesn't help that I'm also on a really tight schedule for the Super Potato Bruh development. Looks like @voxel will get an easy first place. :P
I'm a bit disappointed with the results for Whirling Blades, but I guess that's what I get for doing something I'm not good at (isometric). xD
The goal was to make a well rounded game while also stepping out of my comfort zone, which I did. I've never done anything isometric before and knew almost nothing about it when I started. I didn't look up anything and did everything by just figuring it out. It was a great learning experience.
The good:
Here's the single paper I used for the idea beforehand. I'm definitely not an artist outside of pixel art.
The bad:
The ugly:
The big mistake that resulted in a lot of these issues was that I was somewhat blinded be the desire to make a fast-paced isometric fighting game. I had some cool ideas in my head, but forgot to think about potential issues in design before getting to work. Normally I spend 60-90 minutes on the game's concept, wheras for this one, I only spent about 10. Next game jam I'll try to dedicate more time to design (>= 3 hours) and less to content since it seems to be the major issue with a lot of my games. I wasted so much time on Lollipop Ninja making levels nobody would play and I wasted a lot of time making items and enemy traits that people would just find a nuisance when making Whirling Blades. On The Crushed Sky (one of my LD games), I also spent way too much time making levels that nobody would play. I even made a boss battle with its own set of tiles that almost nobody ever played.
The boss fight from The Crushed Sky:
I'm slowly figuring out game design and hopefully I'll make something great when I enter the next Ludum Dare!
EDIT: I also need to stop going so low-rez with my artwork. >.>
I'm going to be busy tomorrow and I'll only have 2 to 3 hours before the end of the jam, so I've finished everything but audio!
(this is a large gif, so it may take a moment to load)
Time to get some much needed sleep. xD
I've finished the core of the game. I just have some extra features, polish, and audio to add. (and possibly settings)