
Yay! New jam! 4

wizcas • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

Hi everyone! My name is Wizcas. I'm from China, which means I'll have to wait until 3 am on Sep 23 for this jam starts ;) I participated LD38 as my first jam, and became a super fan of such events. So I'm here, trying to make something pleasing.

I found Alakajam accidentally, but decided to do this in no time. This site gives me a bunch of surprises - its logo, style, friendly guides of tools choosing, and a whole lot of other things which totally caught my interest. And, it will be the FIRST event in Alakajam's history. Exciting!

I'm not sure yet that I'm gonna to make a 3D game or a 2D game. It depends on the theme, I guess. I'll pray the final decision not to be a Sci-Fi thing… I really don't have much thoughts on such.

Let's do it ;)

// P.S.: I'm going to the Blizzard Video Game Live concert this Sunday evening. Time conflicts, but that's something I can't miss!

First Jam! 7

TestyRabbit • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

Hey everyone! This is my first game jam. I've been a professional game programmer for ~1 year now, and a hobbyist for a few years. This is my first game jam but I'm super excited. I tried getting a team together but getting people to commit an entire weekend is tough. If anybody wants to team up let me know! I have the most experience with UE4 but who knows what I'll use for this. I'm from the US btw. Good luck everyone!

New team, our first jam 5

Lokior • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

Hey guys, me and some friends (All ITs from different sphere) will participate for the first time in a jam as a team.

We still don't know what to expect but we're super hyped to be part of this.

We'll be using Unity, Audacity and

Still no super cool and/or cringy team name xD.

Let's do this! We'll have a lot of fun sharing our adventure with you guys and I cannot wait to see your projects as well!

Have fun and good luck this week-end!


In! 1

fullmontis • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

I'm excited to partecipate. I always wanted an european-time friendly ludum dare. I wasn't able to partecipate in the last Ludum Dare and this is a good way to get my fix for the time being.

I am going to make a game in HTML5/JS with my Magic framework that I've developed during the course of a few compos. I will be using MyPaint and Gimp for anything graphics related, and Audacity for sounds and music.

In the mean time you may check out my tumblr or my page to see some of my past work, if you want of course. If you want to get in contact, give an holler.

Good luck to everyone.

Getting ready! 2

schiapu • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

Hi Alakajam! Getting pumped for this weekend. Hopefully, I'll have enough time to finish the game before the outside world interferes with it on Sunday. Going to try my best and hopefully all of you will do as well!

Thinking about the tools I'm going to use, Unity will most likely be the Engine of choice, with Inkscape for graphics,Bosca Ceoil for music and sfxr for sounds, with Audacity and my lousy mic for other sounds.

Wallpaper! 8

rnlf • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

Just because LD is dead doesn't mean we cannot honor its traditions!


Hey guys i'm in! 1

Sceizer • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

Hey my name is Mathijs. I'm pretty new to creating games and have never released a game before so im exited to join in. Since this is my first jam don't expect to much from me ;).

What im going to use for this jam is:
and Bosca ceoil.

Hello! 1

DaFluffyPotato • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

I am a Python obsessed game developer who still thinks Pygame is relevant.

I've already entered the Ludum Dare 5 times(I entered under the name CMLSC). This will be my first non-LD event. :P

My tools/justthingsIuseindevelopmentthatarekindofliketoolshopefullyyouknowwhatimean:

Code: Python with the Pygame library along with any other scripts I have that could be used for the jam

Art: MS Paint or Px Editor(a pixel art/animation tool I made for game dev at lower resolutions)

Audio: SFXR and using chiptune for some reason)

Level Design: ThiSisa Map Editor(a level editor I made with a name that is pretty much "This Is A Map Editor")

I hope I'll have the time to enter the jam! :D

My theme votes:

Hello :) 6

Aurel300 • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

After a bunch of Ludum Dares, I'm hoping to find another regular jam with a growing, fun community!

I make my games solely in Haxe, using my own library plustd . Also TextMate, Photoshop, bfxr, and a bunch of terminal scripts.

My theme votes currently:

  1. Alchemy
  2. Space Station
  3. Nightfall
  4. Contagious
  5. Space
  6. Light the way
  7. Robots
  8. Industry
  9. Connections
  10. You Are The Bad Guy

"You Are The Bad Guy" is too close to "You are the Monster" (Ludum Dare 33) for my taste :)

Probably am in 2

ajayajayaj • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

Language and Library: Lib-GDX or Unity

Graphics: Paint.NET, Piskel, maybe Inkscape and Synfig

Music: LMMS, maybe Abundant Music or Bosca Ceoil. Depends on how much time I have left

SFX: Might use SFXR if I have time or just Audacity.