It's been busy, but I finally have some time to work on this.
I was planning to do ranked, but it all depends how much I get done tonight.
Started late. Spent yesterday evening and this morning thinking about the theme and finally, reluctantly at first, settled on an idea. An idea I've had for a while, but never got around to it. Might as well now. See if you can figure it out from the picture.
Unlike in cookie-cutter, streamlined, scifi-strategy competitions and simulations; here light speed in the vacuum, the universal speed limit, plays a big role. You sitting at the iron throne on Tisias will receive information from the other systems after a delay. The same goes for commanding your ships outside of the capitol system. Each order will take years to even get to the fleet!
Now will you excuse me, I have to get the ships actually moving…
Halfway through the ranked jam, and I've decided that I'm gonna give this a shot.
My name is Fletcher, and I've been learning/developing in Unity since July. I've started and stopped working on several ambitious projects, but learnt a fair bit from each of them. Most of the games I make are 2D, though I may give a shot at a 3D project this time around.
We're making good progress with our game. I finally got off my butt and made some art, and it's being implemented. :D Here's a screenshot of the game being tested:
Still haven't thought of a name for it!
Progress so far:
I still don't know in which direction I'm heading with this game, probably it will be a puzzle-platformer, but for now I can't think of any good puzzle mechanics when the player is almost blind… Hope you guys have better progress than me by now.
We're making good progress on our game. We've finally started implementing art!
So, time is running!
I hope, everyone is doing great on their games!
Our project makes great progress. :)
The most obvious thning are probably the graphics. And then there is a whole set of gameplay mechanics which have been implemented:
Players can throw mines now, a level is loaded, collisions, a win/loose condition, a sudden death mode once the timer is over, …
The level is actually just a 32x24 image with the r,g and b values encoding different types of tile types, like which player spawns where, if it is a normal, wall or breakable tile and so on. Implementing this is super easy and creating levels is really fun then. So I hope I can push out some more levels quickly at the end of the jam.
I hope I get some of the larger issues (win screen with some statistics, nice join screen, some player traces) out of the way tonight, as tomorrow will be quite packed with "non-jam" stuff (so to say an unjammed day ;) ).
So what do you guys think?
Didn't get much done in the first day because I spent most of it trying to figure out a line of sight system that I ditched after a few hours of failure. Instead I've gone with this weird system where you can only see the 9 tiles around any space that you've previously been.
Since that didn't make sense as a sight system, the player is now a map maker.
If I have the time I might try to make some nicer tiles, but for now I'm just imitating the symbols used in ASCII roguelikes.
3D environments are hard! We're using Unity, and especially discovering ProBuilder for environments. Additional models are done with Blender.
We're also super late on schedule :D