The Alakajam:
Where ideas become games,
focused by the theme.I'll use Aseprite,
Java, and LibGDX.
And… LMMS?
Hey all!
I'm in for my first Alakajam and first game jam in general! I'm going to be using Gamemaker Studio because it's what I have the most experience and fluidity with, but I'm hoping that as I get some game jam experience through this I'll be able to hopefully find some people and perhaps join a team working in GMS or Unity for a future jam!
Hey i am a programmer and i will be using gamemaker studio for this jam this is my second jam the first was with a team and now this one i will be workin on it alone hopefully it will go well and i can at least finish the game and send it in wish me luck everyone as i wish everyone luck! ;)
Done a bunch of game jams since my first ludum dare over a year ago, so much fun it turns out they're sort of addictive.
Probably try and stick to 2d this time because trying to make 3d assets is just a massive time sink for me.
Tools most likely:
Will try and aim for something thats actually fun to play, always somehow seems to be less obvious than it should be.
Looking forward to the jam and to playing through everyones games afterwards.
Good Luck!
hello i am sorceress, of ludum-dare, and one-hour-game-jam fame.
i have entered a lot of game jams over the years, and i have gotten a lot of pleasure out of them. but my track record has not been so great this past year, with me struggling to finish my entries in time (this never used to be an issue for me).
hopefully i will submit something decent for this second alakajam. i will enjoy taking part none the less.
best of luck to everyone else. :-)
Hello hello, here we are, we are a team of 5 college students on first year who enjoy jams as a way of learning. This is our second jam, and we hope to learn from past errors but also make new mistakes to learn from them to.
We will be using:
GameMaker Studio 2 as the engine
Asesprite for the art
Audacity and Ableton for sound/music
Our team is:
Yurichan and Akame making the Art
zRoz and myself (Rubn) programming
FabulousDesu supervising and creating the music
Good luck to everyone and happy game making!
Hi I'm Dornu Inene, I'm 12 years old, I'm a software dev, I will been using these tools for the jam
-Coding in C#
-Working by my-self
I would go for the harder types but I have school so joinning the jam for my first time would(and hopfulyshould) give me inenough time to finish my work, I hope everyone does fine, and see ay at the jam ;)
Hi, I'm Sebastian. I'm a game designer and I jam a lot. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone makes!
Hey I am going to be joining a team and i work in
I am really looking forward to the jam :)
If you're interested in finding people to enter the jam with, now is the time to check our Crowdforge page! You can ask for help in either art, code or music aspects of game making.
Go there and create a team, or check the existing ones: