
Who am I? Why I do jams? 9

Volvary • 6 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

Hey everyone, Volvary here!

I always find it interesting to see why people join jams and where they come from, background wise.

As far as background goes, I am a Game Designer at heart, with a Game Programmer training.

My past reasons for joining games jams were multiple (experience, fun, etc), but this time my reason is simple: As a team lead in the medical simulation field, I do not have a lot of time left for Game Dev. So for me, Game Jams are now a reason to drop everything for a weekend and indulge in what I like the most: Game Development.

This time around, I will be potentially joining alone as I do not have a team. However, I would not be against joining a team as one of the programmers if someone is interested.

Anyone want to do a game jam with me? 1

RitoBuRito • 6 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

Im participating in the first alakaJam with a game made in game maker studio. Im going to go for team, but if there is no one who wants to be on teams by the 21st i'll be going in solo. I know programming and basic game design. I suck at music but im even worse at art. So art wise i'll have to go minimalistic. If anyone wants to jam with me here is my link. Hit me up at on email or @LinkaDonk on twitter. if you want to join

Find a team on CrowdForge! 0

Wan • 6 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

Alakajam! has just been added to the CrowdForge Jams site, that lets you find teammates for upcoming events.

Find a team for Alakajam!

I'm in! Streaming too! 2

Sniperninja564 • 6 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

Hi, I'm Sniperninja564. And this is basically going to be ludum dare 39 revenge for me as I did not finish last jam!

Some Info:

  • I will be participating in Unranked
  • I will be using Gamemaker Studio 2
  • I will be live streaming this on

Good luck to everyone \o/

Hell yeah. 2

Toffie • 6 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

----I'm totally in----

I'll be using GM:S (GameMaker: Studio) and maybe beepbox or FL Studio for music?
I'm super hype for this jam even though my game might not be that good.



Whoop whoop! 0

thomastc • 6 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

I missed the Feedback Forthnight, but I really hope I can make it this time. It depends on scheduling that's out of my hands though…

Anyway: I've been meaning to learn Godot, and this sounds like a good opportunity. Previous jams (LDs) have taught me the essentials of HaxeFlixel, Phaser and Three.js, with reasonably successful games coming out at the end, so unknown tech does not phase me. Bring it on!

Are "pseudo-code" engines allowed? 1

klekky • 6 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

Quick question. Are "pseudo-code" engines such as Construct 2 and Fusion 2.5 allowed? I couldn't find anything specific regarding them in the rules section. Thanks in advance.

My 2nd Jam 1

wr4th88 • 6 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

I'll be using Unity most likely for the engine.
I'll be doing the textures myself using photoshop/illustrator.
I'll be composing some music myself.
I'm going to try and make something actually fun this time, as opposed to this.

I look forward to seeing what comes of this! Also, I am open to joining a team if the idea seems cool, and can contribute to any of the above mentioned roles.