5th Kajam = 1-31 August 2

Wan • 6 years ago on 5th Kajam 

Good news everyone! After a calm month of July (which was actually quite busy behind the scenes, but that's another story), we are now preparing the launch of the 5th Kajam!

But what is a Kajam?

Good question!

Kajam competitions are month-long events in which people make a small video game focusing on a specific aspect of game making. For instance the previous jam, hosted by @toasty was about Artificial Intelligence. Kajams are perfect to learn, experiment and improve your gamedev skills! Detailed rules here.

The topic of the 5th Kajam will be chosen by its host @laguna and announced upon the start of the event.

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Comments (2)

 • 6 years ago • 

Woohoo! Can't wait :)

 • 6 years ago • 


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