Is the idea working? - BDSM first level 5

Raindrinker • 6 years ago on 4th Kajam 

My project will be called BDSM (Bomb Defusal Squad Machines)
A level (which is mostly the one I used while testing to make sure everything is bugless) is operative!

Is the UI understandable, even without tutorialisation? Please, if you want and can, try the level and tell me if you managed to beat it (deactivated the bomb) and if you understood everything or misunderstood anything. Thanks! :)

Comments (5)

 • 6 years ago • 

Oh it's a great gameplay idea! I feel like it has potential, looking forward to see you explore it.

The graphics and UI overall are really nice, now it indeed took me a minute or two to understand it all:

  • I feel like having a couple tutorial levels would not be too much to smoothen the experience. Maybe one for showing the very basics (= fix the AI by clicking the left arrow instead of the right one), and another super simple one that starts empty (= 1 line walking forward) to force the player to realize you can create/reorder rows.
  • Another nitpick would be to tweak either the tank icon on the UI or the chara-design to make the "where is the front thing" more obvious (e.g. add the black dent from the icon to the actual top of the machine).

Once we figure it all, the UI & cute 3D models are lovely to play with!

  • 6 years ago • 

I'm glad you like it! I hope I can add everything I want. Main complexities I wanna add are : multiple robots with different abilities and code, and the action of changing "states" to have the same robot execute different logics.

Yeah yeah definitely gonna have some big tutorial, this is what I made to test the mechanics.

I was very concerned also with you always being able tot ell the "front" of the tank. I'll try to change its design a bit.

There's no 3D at all! Sprite stacking is amazing :D I had so much trouble with the code to rotate the camera >.<

 • 6 years ago • 

Sprite stacking is amazing :D

Wow I didn't know that technique, it's pretty clever! Almost like a cheap voxel system :) Keeping it in mind for a possible future jam.

The new mechanics you're suggesting sound promising. For instance, using additional robots to trigger wall detection "artificially" would bring a whole new complexity to the game. Definitely lots of potential.

 • 6 years ago • 

Any more progress on this game? Still keen to play—I dusted off my old Windows machine especially for it B-)

Also, sprite stacking is awesome. Can't believe I hadn't heard of it…

  • 6 years ago • 

Did you try what's there for now? I'm really not doing it justice or putting in the hours. I should just try tog et some more mechanics and levels in and call it a day. But Ludum Dare is just right around the corner just 18h left X.X

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