My game ideas for all 10 themes 0

thomastc • 4 years ago on ScoreSpace x Alakajam! entry  OVID-20

This is just so you can avoid making the same game as I do ;)

  • Cards: a top-down, turn-based, deck-building Kard Racing game. If that doesn't sound intriguing, I don't know what will. Hot seat multiplayer would be best for the game, but not for streamability, so I might have to add a ghost car mode.
  • Orbit or Satellite: a golfing game, but in space, with orbital mechanics.
  • Heights: going up in a hot air balloon while avoiding obstacles. Sounds boring so this idea needs more work.
  • Swap: defend buildings against enemies on a grid like Into The Breach, but you have no units; instead, you can view your enemies' moves ahead of time and swap them to your advantage.
  • Paint: a vertically scrolling bullet hell shmup where you have a paintball gun which you can use to paint enemies. Their colour affects their properties and behaviour. This idea also needs more work.
  • Connections: grow and maintain a telephone grid in the style of Mini Metro, place cables and switches, avoid dropping calls or running over capacity.
  • Teleportation: another Into The Breach inspired game, where your units have no attack but can only teleport to block/deflect enemies' attacks.
  • Time: an Asteroids clone but with special relativity and a low light speed. Space compression, time dilation, redshift/blueshift.
  • A Single Room: an escape room puzzle. No highscores and no streamers. I don't like this theme and don't know what else to do. Please don't vote for it.

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