JSON APIContribute to this page

General tips

  • Append ?pretty=true to get a human-readable output of the data
  • Append ?callback=yourFunction for JSONP support
  • If something goes wrong, the response will always have the format: { "error": "..." }


Endpoint Parameters Description
/api/featuredEvent (none) Fetches the currently featured event (the one that currently appears in the header, usually the current or upcoming event), and its entries.
/api/event ?page A page number (page size is 10), starts with 1. Fetches the most recently published events, including pending ones.
/api/event/:event event An event ID, or its name (as visible in its URL) Fetches an event and its entries.
/api/event/:event/shortlist event An event ID, or its name (as visible in its URL) Lists the shortlisted themes and their current status. A list of user names who chose the theme as their top picks is also available as soon as shortlist voting closes.
Additional fields: "nextElimination" is an ISO 8601 date (not always set), "minutesBetweenEliminations" (not always set), "eliminatedCount" (always set).
/api/entry/:entry entry An entry ID Fetches an entry and detailed information about it: its comments, its ratings & rankings (if the event is closed) and some more metadata.
/api/user ?title A display name to search for
?page A page number (page size is 30), starts with 1.
Searches for users.
/api/user/:user user A user ID, or their name Fetches a specific user.
/api/user/:user/latestEntry user A user ID, or their name Fetches a specific user's latest entry, with similarly detailed information as the main entry endpoint.
/api/theme/:theme theme A theme name Fetches stats about the history of a theme.