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Play as Alchemist exploring a dungeon!", "links": [ { "label": "Windows", "url": "https://jlowry.itch.io/dungeon-alchemy-jajja" }, { "label": "WebGL", "url": "https://jlowry.itch.io/dungeon-alchemy-jajja-webgl" } ], "pictures": { "previews": [] }, "comment_count": 10, "karma": "83.000", "division": "team", "users": [ { "id": 217, "name": "jlowry", "title": "jlowry", "avatar": null, "is_mod": null, "is_admin": null }, { "id": 200, "name": "MysticMia", "title": "MysticMia", "avatar": null, "is_mod": null, "is_admin": null } ] }, { "id": 91, "event_id": 4, "event_name": "1st-alakajam", "name": "flask", "title": "Flask", "description": "You're a flask. 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Aim is simple, Score the highest in a single blow!!", "links": [ { "label": "Source", "url": "https://github.com/Mann2019/AlakaJamGame.git" }, { "label": "Windows Build", "url": "https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-XipInAV7b_a0pSeHlvdjhlNzQ" }, { "label": "Mac Build", "url": "https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-XipInAV7b_ZjVFY3R3eGRMR1k" } ], "pictures": { "previews": [ "/data/uploads/entry/44.png" ], "thumbnail": "/data/uploads/entry/44-thumb.png", "icon": "/data/uploads/entry/44-icon.png" }, "comment_count": 17, "karma": "97.000", "division": "solo", "users": [ { "id": 70, "name": "mampee", "title": "mampee", "avatar": "/data/uploads/user/70.jpg", "is_mod": null, "is_admin": null } ] }, { "id": 67, "event_id": 4, "event_name": "1st-alakajam", "name": "alchebit", "title": "Alchebit", "description": "Horde Arcade PixelArt Game with a fun button twist", "links": [ { "label": "GitHub", "url": "https://github.com/DefinitelyNotRockstar/Alchebit/releases/tag/1.0" }, { "label": "Drive", "url": "https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2N9Ki2bxTOPZElVWGFuMFFoMXM" } ], "pictures": { "previews": [ "/data/uploads/entry/67.png" ], "thumbnail": "/data/uploads/entry/67-thumb.png", "icon": "/data/uploads/entry/67-icon.png" }, "comment_count": 11, "karma": "88.000", "division": "team", "users": [ { "id": 206, "name": "pablotomico", "title": "pablotomico", "avatar": "/data/uploads/user/206.png", "is_mod": null, "is_admin": null }, { "id": 254, "name": "Jazzy", "title": "RubenOsorio", "avatar": "/data/uploads/user/254.jpg", "is_mod": null, "is_admin": null } ] }, { "id": 70, "event_id": 4, "event_name": "1st-alakajam", "name": "alchemy-fumes", "title": "Alchemy Fumes", "description": "Alchemist wakes up after knocking himself out and his valuables has been stolen!", "links": [ { "label": "WebGL", "url": "http://m2.seri.fi/alakajam/alchemy/" }, { "label": "Source", "url": "https://github.com/M2tias/Alakajam1" }, { "label": "Windows download", "url": "https://m2tias.itch.io/alchemyfumes" } ], "pictures": { "previews": [ "/data/uploads/entry/70.png" ], "thumbnail": "/data/uploads/entry/70-thumb.png", "icon": "/data/uploads/entry/70-icon.png" }, "comment_count": 8, "karma": "74.000", "division": "solo", "users": [ { "id": 35, "name": "M2tias", "title": "M2tias", "avatar": "/data/uploads/user/35.png", "is_mod": null, "is_admin": null } ] }, { "id": 86, "event_id": 4, "event_name": "1st-alakajam", "name": "with-cold-feet", "title": "with cold feet", "description": "Decypher the riddles before time eats through them, and through yourself.", "links": [ { "label": "Download", "url": "https://kucyk-kucyk.itch.io/with-cold-feet" } ], "pictures": { "previews": [ "/data/uploads/entry/86.png" ], "thumbnail": "/data/uploads/entry/86-thumb.png", "icon": "/data/uploads/entry/86-icon.png" }, "comment_count": 6, "karma": "90.000", "division": "unranked", "users": [ { "id": 219, "name": "Kucyk-Kucyk", "title": "kucyk-kucyk", "avatar": "/data/uploads/user/219.png", "is_mod": null, "is_admin": null } ] }, { "id": 66, "event_id": 4, "event_name": "1st-alakajam", "name": "one-true-love-the-alchemy-between-us", "title": "One True Love: The Alchemy Between Us", "description": "In an attempt to find love, Liam turns to Alchemy to create the Potion of Love. 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