Operate an elevator on an off-world colony and talk to the inhabitants of the building as you get them to their floor
Welcome to the off-world colony. It is your job as an elevator operator to help people to their floor.
The people lead busy lives, so please ensure you get them to their destination as soon as possible.
For safety, please ensure the doors are closed before moving the elevator, and please do not open the doors while the elevator is in motion.
Thank you for being a loyal employee.
Damn, I thought the intentionally mundane gameplay was going to drive me crazy, but after a minute I didn't even want to let people off the elevator while they still had dialogue remaining. Particularly liked my avatar's unblinking devotion to their role as elevator pilot. Music loop was a little short, some bell sounds for passing floors or opening doors might have been nice, but it'd all just be more dressing on what's already a lovely little story.
Hah, that was fun! Very different from my elevator game from the previous Alakajam. The gameplay here isn't too interesting, but the monologues are well written and memorable. The rabbit's accent got across even in writing. The adventurer guy that talks so quickly you can't keep up reading made me laugh out loud.
Too bad the game seemed to end a bit early; it seemed something ominous was going to happen because I let the quiet little girl go to B3, but then the game suddenly ended. Or is this just because I was too slow and some invisible timer ran out?
The graphics could have been a bit more readable; it took quite some time until I realized that I was the blue guy and I was inside the elevator, and I stopped trying to make him get in. Just making the door bigger, plus some simple converging lines to suggest side walls, would have solved this.
The music did start to get on my nerves after a while, but that's what elevator music should be like!
I liked this concept a lot! The text was fun and the art was cute. I wish the controls were a little tighter and the elevator moved a little quicker, but I guess that's part of the fun. :)