Quick Tiles!

Will you be fast enough?

You have to reproduce the same pattern on the top, but be careful on the direction!

Tell me your best score!

But, most important, tell what do you think! I'm very aware at your feedbacks and how can I improve Quick Tiles!

Voting results


This game entered in the Unknown competition (9 entries).

Comments (5)

 • 6 years ago • 

Play sessions are short and challanging exaclty what I would expect of an hyper casual game. The increase of difficulty is nicley done, but the rotation in combination with the time pressure realy messed up my brain :D. I'd like to see this game for mobile devices.

Having a global timer instead of a short timer for each "level" is a great idea. In combination with the time gain after each correct answer it always left me with the thought "Yea it was my fault could have done better in the first levels to save some time" instead of "Well its just impossible in that short amount time"

 • 6 years ago • 

This is great wow. Super impressed.

Idea is simple and effective, nails the hyper-casual theme.
Difficulty is good, the rotation really messes with your head but not in a bad way.
You nail that classic game mechanic of think longer and definitely get it right or think fast and have a chance at messing up.
Can't criticise other than that I think this should definitely be on mobile!

 • 6 years ago • 

Also to add, I really like the way you introduce new mechanics. I'm a big fan of that type of "tutorial", good job.

 • 6 years ago • 

This is an interesting one. Took me a little while to work out that rotations were involved. Slick presentation, impressive work! Some appropriate audio would really work wonders for this (I noticed openAL is included, but couldn't hear anything during my play session)

 • 6 years ago • 

It says Web but the link takes me to a Windows-only zip file. Fortunately it works in Wine too.

I like the concept, but it's not clear to me when a rotated version is acceptable. Past the point where rotation is introduced, I went for a different orientation than the game seemed to have in mind, and it was rejected before I even got there. But I might be mistaken; maybe my idea was impossible.

It feels somewhat juicy, with the particles and animations and everything. Sound effects would help (but maybe they're there and don't work in Wine). Maybe you could improve the colour scheme. Gold/silver/bronze in real life are recognizable because of their polished shine, but with flat pixels there's just yellow/grey/brown left. And maybe a bit more consistency in pixel size?

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