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Games (45)

Items 21 - 40 sorted by game hotness
Head toward the light and bring as many with you as you can.
by Soul
Karma: 90Solo
by alyphen
Karma: 76Team
Control the gravity
by Gord10
Karma: 93Solo
Rocket science and asteroïds destruction.
Simone 7 : the rocket
by sebastienb
Karma: 94Solo
You're an asteroid exploring as many galaxies as possible without causing damage to any planet !
Stellar Wilds
by Telara
Karma: 102Open
Smack bad guys with heavy objects using your gravity gun.
Backstreet Gravitation
by Elven_Moustache
Karma: 95Solo
The dolphins have decided it's time to leave Earth
So Long
by thomastc
Karma: 113Open
by G8ite
Karma: 104Open
Use Gravity Wells to detract asteroids heading towards earth to prevent destruction
Gravity Well
by CranEnum
Karma: 93Solo
A simple game about conquering planets.
by WateryCause
Karma: 84Solo
platform with toggle gravity
by Blinkerz001
Karma: 96Solo
Destroy all humans as a cute alien
Dumi's doom day
by Pabox, StachuPietrucha
Karma: 96Team
A dark and mysterious 2D platformer where you control gravity to navigate a shadowy world, battle deadly foes, and uncover hidden secrets—all guided by a ghostly white orb.
Dark Inverse
by Xeno, abhisongs
Karma: 92Open
Game about gravity flipping
by salashx
Karma: 99Solo
Kind of like space invaders in a circle!
Planetary Dwellers
by seferns
Karma: 90Solo
In a galaxy full of trash, your mission is to clean - just don’t get sucked in!
by hyperdotbat
Karma: 90Team
Rocket punch your way into scoring goals on this gravity twisting trill.
by Pomo, SirAeron, brainoidgames
Karma: 89Team
A game where you play as a celestial being that controls planets to send rockets into black holes using the gravity fields of the planets.
Rocket Parking
by daksh
Karma: 95Team
Gravity based puzzle game!
Space Race
by ph0eniix
Karma: 90Solo
With no wand or broomstick, Dashy must rely on her ultimate weapon
Dashy No Buttstomp
by voxel
Karma: 97Solo