With no wand or broomstick, Dashy must rely on her ultimate weapon
WASD/Cursor keys, mouse to look. Space to jump (hold for higher jumps), and tap space midair to perform a buttstomp. Touch a special panel to find out how much buttstomp power you need to break it - if you even want to.
There's a generous waypoint respawn system, makes the game very easy. Takes ~5 minutes to finish, depending on how much you hassle the critters.
A bit rough in places, had a real fun time fighting with Blender. There's an end message if you finish the course.
Hey! Very nice. A couple of things I noticed:
At the start of the game, at least on the web version, the game freezes on the first buttstomp. I believe this is likely because of the use of GPU particles? I had a similar issue with my godot games in the past and didn't find a good solution myself besides calling all particles once at the beginning of the game (in the middle of a loading screen for example) or switching to CPU particles.
Another thing, you can use an AudioStreamRandomizer to add some pitch variation to your sound effects, I think it makes a big difference!
Really liked the buttstomp effect, the whole idea is interesting and it was implemented fairly well. Some of the special panels felt a bit useless, but it was nice that falling into the void didn't reset my progress too much. I liked the low-poly model as well. Also liked that I was able to finish the game >.<
Overall, good job! And sorry if I said something you already knew!
@Mobuos thanks for the tips, I thought that setting godot to 'compatiblity' renderer would be enough to keep things performant, but I guess next time I need to look into prewarming those particle systems as you suggest
@FunBaseAlpha yes, all assets were made during the jam, thanks for playing :)
Sorry about the Blender issues you faced! The audio made me wonder if Dashy isn't secretly a mech, with those heavy footsteps and booming sounds when stomping. The little robot crabs were very cute. At the end screen, some of them would come up to me and sort of flatten? Was very cute but unsure if intentional.
The game is indeed a little rough but that's an interesting mechanic the need to jump from high to advance in the game ! Even if jumps are a little strange, the controls are good, I mean, when I did an error, that was totally my fault, the jumps gave me time to understand what happens.
Congratulations for your entry !
Nice 3D platformer mechanics! I didn't know you can make Dreamcast games with Godot. That's really cool. There were a handful of tougher jumps but the generous waypoint respawn system made this a nice jam game experience. I don't mind if it would be a bit harder but it's always to be able to finish a jam game. I'm impressed how polished the tower walls were. Somebody used a lot of time to make those tiles shine.
"hold for higher jumps"? Might have made it easier had I read the instructions.
Models were great, too bad you had problems making them!
Liked the concept and the implementation was decent, didn't overstay it's welcome which was nice. Challenge felt reasonably balanced and the respawns were forgiving.
Had a weird glitch where the game would freeze for a good 15-20 seconds first time I did a butt-stomp (My goodness, she's TOO powerful), but thankfully it went away after the first one (I assume Godot load
Graphically the game is pretty simple but I enjoyed the aesthetic, though I think the specular shine on the tower shouldn't have been there since it contrasted with the low-fidelity aesthetic of the rest of the game's art.
The models are quite good, and decent animations too! Definitely got a good vibe going there. Too bad the level is so bland in comparison.
I don't have time to finish (it takes longer than 5 minutes if you suck as hard as I do at platforming) but I'll come back to this later.
Re particles: maybe the Ubershader introduced in Godot 4.4 would help.
I really liked the graphics - gave off a late 90s/early 2000s 3d vibe! Seeing more courses and different kinds of obstacles would be fun. I really enjoyed that last jump - something about getting as high up as you can and seeing the character woosh down was a nice end! There was some weird issue at first - the first butt stomp froze the game mid-animation, but I didn't see it happen again.
Hey, the linked itch.io page doesn't seem to load. Perhaps it's set to be private?