
What is this place ? What is this road ?


Enjoy this sad story about a Goblin on… rainbow road ? It's infinite ? It… loops ? 😏

For some reason, overflowing the text on this screen will allow him to leave ? Hey ! I'm not making the rules here.

How to play:

  • Space to confirm
  • Escape to return to the previous menu / quit
  • WASD/Arrows to move


  • Odin (version b4ca044) + Raylib
  • Aseprite
  • Chiptone
  • Audacity
  • Bosca Ceoil: The blue album

Voting results


This game entered in the Solo competition (10 entries).

Comments (14)

 • 29 days ago • 

Hey, I overflowed the counter but… it grew another digit!

Very fun, reminded me of classic Flash-era games like "The World's Hardest Game". Actually, I would have expected it to be less forgiving: the mechanic of taking off some of your life but bouncing you was unexpected, to the point that I lost more lives as I was waiting to just respawn at the beginning of the current level, still taking damage :D Representing health with damage to the terrain was interesting.

I found the "run" level quite funny: by the time I realised what it said, it was almost too late! Then the surprise right side got me anyway :)

Graphics-wise I would maybe make the tiles not quite so wide and rectangular, this kind of perspective isn't the best for precision movement.

 • 27 days ago • 

Nice to see odin and raylib here.

I finished the game without dying on my first run. I think it might be a bit too forgiving. On the third level it's not clear how to go through without taking damage, because it's not clear what the hitboxes are, so for example I don't know where I need to go through for the first fireball wall (the center but where precisely). In level 6 why can I go through some spikes ? If I don't get the correct position I can get in a continuous loop of taking damage constantly.

I wasn't sure about the loop from the theme. After replaying the game, I tried to go to the left at the start and I saw part of the character on the right of the screen. At first it seemed like a bug, but after thinking about it seemed intentional. Is the idea that we are always at the same place, and exiting to the right brings us to the left of the screen ? If that's the case, it wasn't obvious to me. I though we just moved on a "rainbow" road and when we get to the right of the screen we see the next portion of the road. To portray the "looped section" better, have the level change visually while the character transition between right and left (need to make sure the character can't get back left to be at the end of the level).

The graphics and music are nice, and it ran butter smooth. The graphics are a bit too "high frequency" when there is the damage display in addition of the rest.

Good job.

 • 27 days ago • 

I thought I was fairly aware of niche languages, but Odin is new to me. Looks like it took a lot of inspiration from Go, but with manual memory management and other goodies like SOA and generics. Nice!

Anyway, about the game. It's not my cup of tea, because I suck at precise timing, but it's pretty forgiving.

Graphics are absolutely lovely. The music is alright, the sounds support the action well.

The interpretation of the theme is a bit far-fetched, but hey, sometimes you just wanna make the game you wanna make :)

 • 24 days ago • 

Pretty unique entry for the theme! I enjoyed this game, the music was simple but never got annoying, and the sound effects were fitting and added to the experience.

The graphics looked good, your artstyle is cute and the palette fits well. However, I think they made it a bit difficult, at times, to figure out what an obstacle was and what wasn't. It felt a little visually cluttered at times, especially the broken "bricks" (were those bricks?) next to/on the spikes, I ran into them once or twice due to not noticing it. I also think the non-perfect-square tiles were a little unsuited for precision movement, but it also wasn't that bad. I think the hitboxes were well placed and those never really felt unfair.

I like your entry!!

  • 24 days ago • 


Graphics-wise I would maybe make the tiles not quite so wide and rectangular, this kind of perspective isn't the best for precision movement.

Yep, that's an early design decision that end up hurting the gameplay later, I hate to chose between reworking most of the game or keeping it this way… It ended up hurting the collision detection too, maybe I should have spent some time making the tiles squres or at least less long.

Actually, I would have expected it to be less forgiving: the mechanic of taking off some of your life but bouncing you was unexpected

That was actually supposed to be just a knockback effect, but it ended up on a single frame instead, making it feel weird ! :)

  • 23 days ago • 


On the third level it's not clear how to go through without taking damage, because it's not clear what the hitboxes are, so for example I don't know where I need to go through for the first fireball wall (the center but where precisely). In level 6 why can I go through some spikes ? If I don't get the correct position I can get in a continuous loop of taking damage constantly.

Another victim of the 16x8 tiles originating from the early design phase, I should have kept away from this strange ratio, it made everything strange later down the road :)
On level 6, I tried to teach the player that they can go through spikes (discovered during play testing) but I should have redone the spike sprite to accomodate the real hitbox. All hitboxes are circles, clearly not playing nice with elongated tiles.

I wasn't sure about the loop from the theme. After replaying the game, I tried to go to the left at the start and I saw part of the character on the right of the screen. At first it seemed like a bug, but after thinking about it seemed intentional. Is the idea that we are always at the same place, and exiting to the right brings us to the left of the screen ? If that's the case, it wasn't obvious to me. I though we just moved on a "rainbow" road and when we get to the right of the screen we see the next portion of the road. To portray the "looped section" better, have the level change visually while the character transition between right and left (need to make sure the character can't get back left to be at the end of the level).

So… It may suprise you that the game was downscoped a little. The game was supposed to feature 256 levels, but it was also possible to go on the left, and play a "second" game with reversed colors.
In any case, overflowing or underflowing the level would "crash" the loop and liberate the player. I also intended to have the level "build up" in front of the player (having all element get into place visually) so that the player actually understand that it staying on the same looping stripe.
But then I placed colored tile and it was funny and also ran out of time :D
In any case, yeah, you can see your character on the "other" side of the loop intentionnally, to try to convey that you're staying on the same stripe of terrain.

  • 23 days ago • 


The interpretation of the theme is a bit far-fetched, but hey, sometimes you just wanna make the game you wanna make :)

So yeah, as usual, downscoping made the theme less obvious :D

  • 23 days ago • 


The graphics looked good, your artstyle is cute and the palette fits well.

Zughy-32 ;)

However, I think they made it a bit difficult, at times, to figure out what an obstacle was and what wasn't. It felt a little visually cluttered at times, especially the broken "bricks" (were those bricks?) next to/on the spikes, I ran into them once or twice due to not noticing it.

Bricks / ground tiles. I could have played a little better on the contrast between objects and the terrain, would have been better to differentiate things visually. Also, I intended to put shadows under the character player and the fireballs to make it clearly obvious where they were in realation to eachother. Another sacrifice to the time gods ! >:3

I also think the non-perfect-square tiles were a little unsuited for precision movement, but it also wasn't that bad. I think the hitboxes were well placed and those never really felt unfair.

Yep, that long tiles ended up causing a lot of trouble for the entry. I think it ended up hurting the hitboxes too, I had to make them very forgiving. It gaves us the ability to walk between spikes (hitboxes are all circles), which is nice, but also I should have remade the spikes sprite, which would have probably have had other side effects on other levels :)
Here's the original "concept" pixelart that started this madness:

 • 23 days ago • 


Here's the original "concept" pixelart that started this madness:

That looks pretty good for the start :3
Thanks for linking the palette, it looks really nice!

 • 23 days ago • 

Nice little game, took me a couple of attempts but I was eventually able to escape! Difficulty felt reasonably on point and collision felt generous. My only proper level complaint is level 5(?) which had the fake spikes. Also, there is a glitch(?) where if you run left you can see your character sprite position partially overflow(!) onto the right.

  • 22 days ago • 


My only proper level complaint is level 5(?) which had the fake spikes.

Yep, that was a "discovered" gameplay mechanic during tests, due to how the collisions are implemented (only circles). I realized right after the jam that I should have reworked the spikes sprite so it actually seem logical to the player. I tried to design level 6 to tell the player that they could actually walk right in between spikes, but that was kind of a fail :)

Also, there is a glitch(?) where if you run left you can see your character sprite position partially overflow(!) onto the right.

Not a glith at all, totally intentional ! :D The game is just about looping over the same sprite of road over and over again. Initially, the game was supposed to let the player go left or right, but I downscaled the project and only allowed going right, making it less obvious in the end.

 • 21 days ago • 

I liked the idea of having the player health represented by the map itself. Cute graphics and some simple but solid gameplay. Can't say I cared much for level 6, I only learnt that it was passable by reading the comments here. Music was a bit dull but definitely better than silence. Overall a very nice entry!

 • 21 days ago • 

nice game i love that its simple but fun and the graphics were also pretty decent. I dont see how it fits the theme however

 • 15 days ago • 

wasn't able to run on my pc sadly.

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