Flower Power

Keep the flowers alive with water balloons

Travel on the circle line and shoot balloons with your mouse to water the flowers beneath them. You have 30 seconds to keep them all alive

Click the mouse to shoot!

Voting results


This game entered in the Solo competition (10 entries).

Comments (8)

 • 26 days ago • 

Cute. I didn't read the instruction at first so I immediately assumed my turret is supposed to protect the flowers from the evil baloons, but then I got it :) It would be nice if there was a lot more feedback for what's going on: for example, I thought the speed up/down baloons were showing scythes or something, not a speed gauge. The flowers dying is shown pretty well, although the fact that they start to shrivel in discrete steps is maybe not the best: it's hard to tell which areas need more water at a first glance, when for some periods of time they look the same; all the while the "flower power" indicator is ticking down. I think the game would feel more satisfying if the goal were "survive as long as possible". As it is, the 30 second game loop feels somewhat short, not long enough to really make a difference. (I also just tried a game where I just didn't pop a single baloon, which still got me a score of 26%.) Final nitpick: the game should have a restart button.

 • 26 days ago • 

A pretty original idea and a creative interpretation of the theme.

The sprites are cute and consistent, but the white default font looks boring in comparison.

The RNG is a bit too random. On one run, it took about 10 seconds for the first water balloon to show up. Maybe it's better to put them on a fixed timer, and only randomize the spawn location. It wasn't clear to me what the balloons with a scythe (?) did.

It could have done with some gentle background music to really underscore the gardening mood.

 • 26 days ago • edited • 

I share Aurel300's feedback.

My main issue is the 30 seconds limit, which doesn't feel good (in addition with no simple way to restart). You just start the game, and when you start getting used to it, it ends. I played it several times, and I couldn't realy find a "strategy", I try to wait for the baloons to be better positioned to shoot them, but ended up with lower score.

In a game where you shoot anything, having a shoot and hit sound effect is a big plus to the game feel. You can use sfxr to generate simple sound effects.

 • 24 days ago • 

30 seconds limit feels way too short for multiple reasons I think. First, there don't seem to be any "restart" button/key. Also, since the timer is so short, the initial placement of flowers and balloons, and the movement of balloons is very important, it feels kind of too random :)

The graphics are pretty cute though ! Nice sprites !

 • 20 days ago • 

Is there a way to restart a game? The overall experience is nice and smooth. As other people noted, the time limit could be longer or eliminated for other game-end conditions.

 • 15 days ago • 

Cute and simple, I don't mind the short loop but a restart (just by pressing R) would have been nice. And the blue and red balloons don't contain any water, having at least the green ones have water could present a trade-off between moving faster (which was harder for me at least) and doing some watering.

 • 15 days ago • 

reminds me of Zuma. enjoyed it (only 75% highest score :P)

Not bad gameplay or theme interpretation. great job.

 • 15 days ago • 

Lovely presentation, and a nice literal interpretation of the theme. Nice to play a game without guns and death!

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