
Game Submission 1

Thrainsa • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

Just to remind you that you can specify Platforms available for your game and you can add some Tags to help people on the search engine ;)

Good luck every one for the last hours

Literally the extent of what it's possible to do in my game right now 1

larzdk • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

Let's see if I can improve my fortunes within the next 7 hours.

Always Growing Code Counts! 0

TimBeaudet • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

Yesterday I grew 995 of code for the User Interface Kit in TurtleBrains:

Live streaming the development, how many more lines will I grow today?

A.G. Hope: First gameplay gif 0

Wan • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! entry  A.G. Hope

Yesterday we were really unsure where the game was going, due to it being vastly overscoped. Given what we had done yesterday, we started this morning by detailed thinking about the gameplay, and how to scope things down while keeping the game fun.

We now have a detailed task list, and despite the removal of combat we are think we can have something fun by the end of the jam. With the most tricky parts of the code already completed by @Thrainsa, we are now building various systems at light speed! Today has been super satisfying so far. Let's hope it stays so until the end :)

Day 1 down. Music done! Onto SFX and admin for day 2. 2

dorkulon • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

One day down. Songs finished. Now it's time for sound effects and general admin.

Ended up creating three tracks for our game, all playing off the same root idea. I was trying to channel a bit of the whimsy and goofiness of Animal Crossing: New Leaf's OST.

Went in live instrument-heavy this time, using a couple of guitars, a bass, and synth. The rest of the stuff is coming straight from Ableton. Taking the same idea and running with it in different directions was a ton of fun and very rewarding. Most of the work is just having fun with an idea and taking it to ridiculous places.

On to day 2!

Pretty Much Done! 1

DaFluffyPotato • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

I'm going to be busy tomorrow and I'll only have 2 to 3 hours before the end of the jam, so I've finished everything but audio!

(this is a large gif, so it may take a moment to load)

Time to get some much needed sleep. xD

Am I supposed to be 75% done? 0

larzdk • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

12 hours or so to go, and I'm still frantically adding content. There's so many UI elements to keep track of plus I've had to fix more bugs than I anticipated along the way. Sometimes these jams make me produce some really, really awful code!

If I don't make it in time I'll swap to the unranked jam, but I'm very much in panic mode right now lol. And to think I have work to do tomorrow. I don't think I'll be getting any sleep tonight!

Bonne nuit ! Au Canada où je réside il est 1:40 1

LazorLord • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! entry  AppleGrowthMonster

Il est grand temps pour moi d'aller dormir.
Bonne chance a tous j'ais hate a demain pour voire se que tout le monde a crée comme jeux!

j'ai enfin finalement fini mon projet pour le jam! 0

LazorLord • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! entry  AppleGrowthMonster

ouf! Ca â été tout une experience. j'ai hate de commencer le montage de ma video postmortem sur le sujet. J'espere que mon jeux vous plaira.
voici le lien:

(Prendre quelque heur de plus pour perfectionner les détaille de mon jeu aurait été surement apprécier mais ma paranoïa de me planter dans mes calcule de conversion de fuseaux horaires entre le Canada et l'Europe m'ont poussée à garder le jeu tel qu'il est en pensent en faire une autre version améliorée si le concept est apprécié)

I'm in (better late than never) 2

GameDevKng • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

Ok I'm a little late on this one and there are only 18 hours left, but I really want to try my shot with Alakajam !

This will be a physic-based arcade style game with retro graphics, think Rampage with real-time physics, where your character can't stop growing.

The goal is to limit the damage caused by your growing situation.

Be right back, gonna draw the main gameplay.