
Henlo all! Join us on Discord! 0

Aurel300 • 1 month ago on 21st Alakajam! entry  waterfall-1

It's great to see the many new users coming from DaFluffyPotato's video :)

If you haven't already, come join us on Discord! It's a great place to share your progress during the jam, talk about gamedev, look for a team, and more.

Hello! :D 0

Mobuos • 1 month ago on 21st Alakajam! entry  Astral Influence

I'm also coming from DaFluffyPotatos video on joining game jams! I'm a 23 year old Brazilian, currently working in web dev, and hoping to use more of my creative side on game-making stuff :)

Last and only game jam I participated in was the Pirate Software's Game Jam 16, earlier this year. That was a 2 week event, so I'm very scared of how things will go with only 48 hours!

I'm planning on using Godot / GDScript, and hope to have something playable by the end of the event. Nice to meet you all!

Feel free to reach out! Github Bluesky My last game

Alakajam 21 0

Beebster • 1 month ago on 21st Alakajam! entry  Alakazam 21

I watched a video by one of my favorite coders DaFluffyPotato and decided to try this Jam.

Looks like fun, you guys are very organized.

Hopefully I will have an entry that folks will enjoy.

I will be using SDL3 and C/C++

Thanks for hosting the jam, and I am in!!

I'm part of Alakajam! 21! 1

VinteraGames • 1 month ago on 21st Alakajam! 

Hey guys! :D
I'm Vintera, 24 years old, and this will be my first Game Jam. I came across this event thanks to a video by DaFluffyPotato!

Currently, I work as a web developer and study Computer Science in Germany, but I really want to make games in my free time!

Especially pixel art games made with Pygame or LÖVE2D. I also tried Ursina once to get my feet wet with 3D game development in Python.

This time, I guess I'll stick with Pygame since this is my first Jam, and I'm really exited.

I can't wait to see your games and learn more about your art and projects!
Let's have a great time, guys!

Hi there! 4

viliRocha • 1 month ago on 21st Alakajam! 

Hello, I'm a 15-year-old programmer from Brazil who really enjoys making 2D games with p5.js and started using raylib-go for a Voxel Engine!
Here are some pictures of the games I have already worked on:

Protahovatsi-Stroj - The voxel engine I'm currently working on

A Google Chrome Dinosaur game clone I have made a year ago using

I have been introduced to this jam by DaFluffyPotato and I'm very excited to take part in the 21st Alakajam with my friends Lucas and Felipe.
I'm looking forward to learning from other developers and improving my skills during the jam.

Feel free to follow me and keep up with my work! I'm always open to feedback and collaborations.