I'm part of Alakajam! 21! 1

VinteraGames • 2 days ago on 21st Alakajam! 

Hey guys! :D
I'm Vintera, 24 years old, and this will be my first Game Jam. I came across this event thanks to a video by DaFluffyPotato!

Currently, I work as a web developer and study Computer Science in Germany, but I really want to make games in my free time!

Especially pixel art games made with Pygame or LÖVE2D. I also tried Ursina once to get my feet wet with 3D game development in Python.

This time, I guess I'll stick with Pygame since this is my first Jam, and I'm really exited.

I can't wait to see your games and learn more about your art and projects!
Let's have a great time, guys!

Comments (1)

 • 1 day ago • 

Welcome aboard! Good luck - I hope you have a fun jam and stick around for the ranking phase after the jam

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