Working a planet placing puzzle game.
All of the basic rendering code, controls and basic placing/removing mechanics are done.
I also have the fully developed idea in mind already.
I haven't gotten to writing any code yet since I had to handle some other random stuff before starting. I did get almost all the art and level design done though.
The game idea is extra silly this time. The stream chat voted 90% in favor of restricting me to a 4 color palette.
Hi everyone! I've done a handful of game jams of different types over many years, so excited to hop in to this one! Just need to remember to keep the scope small haha
I'll be using Godot/GDScript, and likely Aseprite for pixel art. For sound/music I'll have to see what fits as the prototype progresses!
Good luck everyone!
Hey guys,
I'm French btw, so sorry for my eng. I just saw that this game jam exist, so i will try my best :) !
I'm java developper, i will do all the game in java, without lib. Everything will be do by me, the assets will be draw by Photoshop.
Good luck and have fun !
First ever game jam, @daksh ty for the invite. Always wanted to take a shot at this but never made the time for it.
I've been looking to express myself creatively recently and this will help a lot.
Hey everyone, I've been told by my friend @Xeno (who's also participating) that it's tradition to make a post before the jam starts, so here is mine :)
I'm Daksh, a 21 y/o developer mainly interested in AI/ML. I've always loved games and have wanted to make my own, but no matter how many times I've attempted to get into them, I haven't been able to find the consistency to see a game through. After watching DaFluffyPotato's video, like many others did, I was motivated to join the jam and am aiming to develop and complete my first game!
I'm excited to be a part of this event and meet new people along the way. All the best everyone!
A few days ago, my friend @daksh told me about Alakajam, and before I knew it, I was diving headfirst into my first-ever game jam! Big thanks to him for pulling me into this—I have no idea what I’m doing, but that’s the fun part, right? 😆
I’ll be using Unity to bring my idea to life. I have a little experience with 2D platformers, but this will be my first real attempt at making a full game from scratch in a limited time. No pressure at all… right? 😅
Luckily, I’m not alone in this madness! I’m teaming up with my friend @abhisongs, who is also passionate about music. You can check him out here: @abhisongsYT, he will be crafting the art and level design in Aseprite. He also just started learning but I am not worried he's a fast learner, so at least the game will look good—now I just have to make sure it actually plays well. 😜
A bit about me: I’m Smit Mistry, a 21-year-old developer with a background in machine learning, AI, and web development. My past projects involve speech processing, object detection, and chatbots, but game dev? That’s a whole new beast.
I have no idea how this will turn out, but I’m excited to create something cool, break a few things along the way, and learn as much as I can. Let’s go! 🚀
In all the hype and excitement for the upcoming jam, we will hosting a stream as we count down and carefully count the votes and make fun of the losing themes (and probably the winning theme too) and so you should join us! Join us for laughter and merriment and hype and all the other reasons!
The stream is on the internet at
It starts at 18:00 UTC! (find a converter for your own time zone, I can't do timezone math)
If you need more hype don't forget to join our discord channel at
The jam will start soon! Don't forget to vote on themes before the stream starts!
As with some other posters below, I was also brought here by DaFluffyPotato.
I'm a python dev in the GIS field, and due to the increase in GIS web mapping, I'm using this jam as an excuse to get my feet wet with javascript. Going to attempt to use tic-80 for the first time as well to keep things very very simple.
Can't wait to see what you all come up with!
It seems we might have some newcomers here which is awesome! One of the reasons Alakajam is special is the Alakajam Tournament which is a separate event where we play past games and try to compete in them. So if your game has a measurable way to compete it may very well be that your game will be played years to come!
Some examples:
After this all you need to do is enable high scores on your entry page:
The next Alakajam Tournament is in March so now is a great time to try to get your game featured there!