I cant create the entry. Help, it says link invalid https://chandalf.itch.io/untitled-fall-5
Hey, looking into it right now
I have just tested the link on your game and the update worked.
What browser are you using?
Sorry for the trouble.
Apparently you had to untick "Disable new downloads & purchases" at the bottom of the page on itch.io.
I was having that issue earlier too. What solved it for me was that I had to put a Label on it, which was right next to the Link Box
I should be in team with LaFraga not in solo. How can i fix it?
@Chandalf I will switch your division to Team tonight.
@SnowFox Good call, the error message is not clear. Just created an issue on Github.
The game is switched to Team! You can invite LaFraga now. It was an adventure but it looks like you're all set ;)
@wan Cool, you save us :)
Hey, looking into it right now