Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh these jams are addictive. Only started doing them pretty recently and done the last 3 Ludum Dare and had so much fun.
After years of messing around with game dev, game jams finally got me to finish some games and get other people to play them, probably because they taught me to embrace the strange world of programmer art.
Looking forward to have a game jam on european friendly times. Also I tried and failed to complete an entry for the Dragon Jam, probably because i tried to start from scratch in C++ and make an RPG, so this will be a chance for another shot.
Heres a character from the C++ game i'll be putting on hold for the jam, I went for the gameboy palette, and if you working in 4 shades of green why wouldn't you make a Cthulu character right?
Goodo Lucko Buddyo Palio Friendo Companion… o.