Introducing... Feedback Fortnight! 0

Wan • 7 years ago on Feedback Fortnight 

Welcome to Alakajam's launch event!

What is it about?

For the next two weeks, you are invited to submit any game you worked on this year and exchange feedback on it. You can make a game specifically for the event, but this is absolutely not mandatory! These two weeks are your chance to make people play anything you worked on recently, from a small prototype to an in-progress commercial game, to a previous jam entry that didn't get the attention you needed.

How it works

After you've created your account, feel free to introduce yourself and/or your game using a blog post.

When July 11th comes by, you'll be able to submit an entry, and of course play and comment other people's games! As you leave comments, you'll boost your feedback score and get featured higher in the games listing. You can read more details on the event "rules" on the Help page.

When the event ends, as a reward we plan to make playthrough videos of every game submitted, and publish them on ! If everything goes well the videos should be recorded in the days following the event, probably by members @wan and @toasty (EDIT: First videos are available here!).

To stay in touch with the community, follow AlakajamBang on Twitter and join us on the IRC Chat!

About this site

Alakajam! is a brand new gamedev community created by Ludum Dare veterans, the project being initiated by @wan, author of the Feedback Friends mini-site. Our goal is to start hosting regular game jams, with a first full-fledged, competitive event hopefully taking place in late September.

The site is homemade and, let's admit it, insufficiently tested, so you will encounter bugs. Please let us now if something's wrong or you have a suggestion, by filling this form! We should roll out a couple cool features in the days to come, including a notification system to keep track of comments (EDIT: Done!). Until then you can follow things on your dashboard.

Thanks for joining us, and if you want to give a hand to this brand new community: spread the word, give feedback and why not join us on Github!

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