For my Kajam entry, I have decided to go with a top-down, twin-stick shooter. That should give me plenty of opportunities for finetuning the game feel and juicing up the action!
For my last MiniLD entry I tried the exercise of making a whole game design document before coding the game. Even if the actual game was quite small, it was fun writing the doc, and I think it helped keep the development focused and the end result consistent.
I won't do a full GDD this time but still, here's my notes on the upcoming entry:
Design notes
Theme/Art style
- Game set in a strange, futuristic place that feels like a maze made out of hundreds of similar rooms arranged as a grid, with straight corridors in-between them.
- Top-down view with either a pixel-art style (like Hotline Miami except simpler), or a smoother look with simplistic art like Prison Architect. In both cases it will be simple and in full 2D.
- Setting & atmosphere largely inspired by the Cube movie
Gameplay loop
- Enter a room.
- The room locks up and something happens randomly: you get loot, or robot enemies appear. Maybe both. Maybe nothing.
- Kill the enemies until there is none.
- The room unlocks.
- (Optional) You see a clue about where the exit of the maze is.
- You pick one of the 4 directions, enter a corridor to the next room.
- Repeat.
The goal is to survive while finding the exit. I have a cool idea in mind for the ending, but I don't know if I'll have the time to implement it… If not I'll just make the difficulty ramp up until the player dies :)
- 1st room after the one you spawn in will always let you find a weapon dropped by a dead robot
- Health
- Maybe ammo (if so I should give the player a way to attack if out of ammo, e.g. by throwing his weapon)
- Maybe a 2nd weapon to have one in each hand
- Maybe maybe, some bonuses to improve the weapon
I really like the idea! Are you thinking of generating the rooms procedurally or making them by hand yourself?