Congratulations everyone for joining the jam :) You just made a game in 48 hours, which is an impressive achievement in itself!
And if any one is left unsatisfied, or even could not finish their game, I'm sure the exercise still helped you improve your skills, meet some people, or just have a fun week-end so there's always something positive to take away from it B-)
- Unranked submissions are still open: while those won't be officially ranked, they can expect as many people to play & comment on them. So, if you haven't finished your game in time, it's actually not too late to complete something! Game submissions will completely close Monday at 10pm UTC.
- The rating phase of the ranked jam is open: For the next two weeks, you are invited to rate and comment on other games. We will post more details about this voting phase tomorrow evening, but you can already go play & review games right now!
Awesome! Congratulations to all who already submitted! Furthermore, good luck and keep stamina for everyone who goes for the unranked division!