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Avant garde guitar solo generator

Side-scrolling guitar soloing metalfest. Avoid taking rests while playing; everybody knows the best guitar solos have the most notes in them. Rock on!

Comments (4)

 • 5 years ago • 

Wow, that intro alone is amazing. I really love all the guitar stuff you've recorded for this. And the game itself is also pretty cool, so good job!

 • 5 years ago • 

I just played it again and managed to stay alive for more than 130 seconds, catching 47 notes in the process. So I think that means my score is 47, although I see wan has posted his time rather than the number of notes to the scoreboard, so I dont' know what's going on now :P

Also I wondered… maybe there could be a relation between the pitch of the note played and its position on the bar? It would make sense if higher notes also sound higher, don't you think?

  • 5 years ago • 

Ah, yeah, I made a mistake when I submitted the game, meaning it wanted a time when @wan posted his score. But you're correct - the score is the intended metric!

Hmm, the notes should be different. Let me investigate…

EDIT: OK, turns out they were upside-down >_<. Thanks for helping figure that out, @Tijn!

 • 5 years ago • 

The juxtaposition of actually good guitar music with the awful beeping challenges the player's assumptions of modern music. Truly this is the thinking-person's game of the jam, a subtlly artistic composition that reveals to the player that the true music was inside them all along.

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