Run for your Life

Run for your life little wizard! The Ogres are coming!

The game is not complete but the basic system works ;)

You just escape from an Ogre jail and you don't want to go back in there. One solution left, run for your life and don't get caught or they will put you back there

As a Wizard you can use some magic. You can send fireballs to destroy your enemies or protect yourselfe from enemies magic using a watershield. Too bad Ogre can't use magic :p


  • Touch on the left side of the screen to jump (you can jump higher you touch longer)
  • use the buttons on the right to use your spells


  • Space to jump
  • Left click on the screen for Fireball (or click on the button)
  • Right click on the screen for Shield (or click on the button)

The game is clearly not complete.
What's missing:

  • Traps/Enemies projectiles: I intended at first to have some traps that can be avoid using the shield. For now, it is just useless.
  • Shop: So we can use the gold to bye other spells or a different player look
  • Musics + sounds
  • Another type of character (a warrior or an archer)
  • Better level generator

I made all the code but all the design came from an HumbleBundle I bought some time ago (except for the fireball I made using shadergraph)

Comments (3)

 • 6 years ago • 

I have to say, I love collecting heaps of coins. Pretty fun, but for some reason my shield doesn't seem to protect me from the ogres. Maybe it is supposed to keep me safe from some other hazard? Or perhaps I'm just using it wrong. Good use of the assets, a fun little game that implements the theme perfectly!

 • 6 years ago • 


"I intended at first to have some traps that can be avoid using the shield. For now, it is just useless."

I played on pc and I think it looks like it would be better on mobile but here's what I thought.
It definitely nails hyper-casual, nice simple mechanics with auto run is a cool design for this jam. I like the coins to collect, I can see this being one of those games where you both want to get a new high score and collect as many coins as possible to buy upgrades.
You clearly have plans to develop the game further and I think everything you listed sounds like good additions to the game.
The art style is cool and the game is cute.
I noticed holding spacebar seems to make it perform kind of oddly but other than that it works well.

Great job :)

 • 6 years ago • 

The art is nice and consistent, but doesn't really fit the "run for your life" mood, given that the wizard looks more angry than afraid and the ogres don't give chase. Having an ogre that constantly chases you, like in the start screen, would be cool, though I don't know how it would tie in with the gameplay.

Indeed the level generator could use some work. Sometimes I got ogres in quick succession so I couldn't fireball both of them, sometimes coins spawn behind platforms, and I once got a gap in the base floor that I didn't actually fall through so I just walked on air.

You should also consider the camera. Maybe just don't scroll vertically at all, and always keep the ground at the bottom of the screen. Because right now, the vertical position of the camera depends a lot on where I've been before, and too much jumping and high platforms can make the ground (and any ogres on it) disappear offscreen entirely.

The jump and landing animation seems to be a bit glitchy.

To add some more depth, maybe you could add the ability to aim fireballs by clicking/tapping (anywhere to the right of the wizard). Stuff with splash damage, bombs that follow a parabolic arc, multi-shot spray guns, whatever, would also add some interest… basically the entire shmup arsenal.

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