Falling Jack

Get out of the well by jumping on falling rocks!

Falling Jack is a single player platformer made for AlakaJam 4

Left Mouse: Run/Swim
Right Mouse: Jump
Mouse Cursor: Move direction

Objective: Get to the top!
There are powerups on the way to help.

Only supporting 1920x1080 resolution

By: John Wang, Wu Zheng, Dave Lin, Jessica Le, Miguel Rivera and Elisha Sarkis

Voting results

This game entered in the Team competition (24 entries).

Comments (5)

Nanukk Luik
(@NanukkLuik) • 6 years ago • 

I'd get revenge if someone pushed me down a well! I love the art, props to the artist. Also gave me a throw back to the Nes days. Ice climber. But without breaking the ice with a hammer though.
Great job!

 • 6 years ago • 

A solid entry! The mouse movement was a bit awkward at first but I actually came to really like it once I got the hang of it. The snappy jump and quick left-right movement really make this an action packed experience!

Also the story delivery at the beginning was really cool for giving context to the game!

 • 6 years ago • 

Fantastic story/intro shame the game graphics didn't live up to its quality artistic awesomeness in my opinion.

The jumping seems to easy I think, took 35 seconds to get to the top without any power-ups. just mashing left and right click.

Still, it's a solid game, Good Job!.

 • 6 years ago • 

Really cool artworks. But whyyyy the mouse? it felt really weird

 • 6 years ago • 

Wow, the intro graphics! Great looking game altogether :)
Too bad the controls are way too wonky and fast. I managed to finish it pretty easily by spamming the jump button :P
I couldn't get the powerups to work. :/

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