It's a bad idea to be lost in a cave without glasses
It's a bad idea to be lost in a cave without glasses.
Let's look for a way out.
I quite like the way the theme is used and the visual effects.
It would be nice if the game makes it clearer somehow that the red thing is a lever which needs to be pushed, I didn't understand that until I read the comments. A sound effect indicating to the player that somehing happened would also help.
@caiqueassis It's really not like myopia feels :P One does not see things doubled, just blurred.
Neat visual effects! The idea is fresh enough and fits the theme.
Of course, under the effect-tinted glasses there's a bog-standard maze. Maze, my least favorite puzzle genre. Luckily you did not make it too long. Maybe one more, bigger and darker, level to take full use of the blurriness mechanic?
There should be souds for picking up and using all the objects. The movement audio isn't bad. Base visuals are crude, unfortunately, not that you see much of them.
Worth playing for the novelty alone. Can't give high points solely for that, mind you.
Overall: 4 (Below average)
Graphics: 6 (Above average)
Audio: 4 (Below average)
Gameplay: 3 (Bad)
Originality: 6 (Above average)
Theme: 6 (Above average)
Is there anything supposed to be on the second level? I couldn't find anything :/