Apples are falling try to dodge them c:
Hi Score: 14351 (Time: 97, Source: trust me bro)
Very simple game but reasonably fun nonetheless, had a good time. It was nice how the game becomes more difficult over time and there was a variety in obstacles. Also always nice to see more pygame representation haha. If you were to keep working on the game, I would say adding more types of "powerups" (similar to the golden apple) and improving the graphics would be a good start.
Your first game? Nicely done! At first I was dodging everything but I hit a small apple and the sound made me think it was a good thing. It would be nice if there was a "loss of hp" sound effect that sounds like something bad happened and then the one you have would play when you pick up the golden apple. Good job!
Cute! I got to 15470. (You should enable high score submission on your entry!) The difficulty grows gradually, without it becoming too chaotic too quickly. I was happy to see the gigantic apples. The sound of getting hit by an apple (that is not golden) was a bit confusing: it sounded more like a good pickup than something that hurt.
High score submission would be great on this! I agree with Aurel, the sound of apples hitting made me think apples were good (that's on me for not reading the instructions), having something more …. negative sounding? That would be a good effect. I also liked the hunt for golden apples - the game got pretty hard by the time I started seeing them so I wasn't super inclined to pick them up, but it was nice to see there was another layer to the game. Good job!
I went to download the game and it said a virus was detedted