Game about dodging black holes to collect stars
@Mobuos hey thanks for the kind words. I dont mind sharing the code for the trajectory, because it's surprisingly simple.
void DrawLine()
Vector3 velocity = transform.forward * startSpeed;
Vector3 position = transform.position;
line.positionCount = steps;
for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
position += velocity * timeStep;
line.SetPosition(i, position);
foreach (var body in
var delta = body.position - position;
var sqrDist = delta.sqrMagnitude;
// newtons law of gravitation
// F = G * (m1 * m2) / r^2
// G = 6.674
var forceMagnitude = 6.674f * (mass * body.mass) / sqrDist;
var acceleration = (delta.normalized * forceMagnitude) / mass;
velocity += acceleration * timeStep;
Fantastic visuals! Minimalistic, but atmospheric nonetheless, with the grid and the camera transitions and everything.
The music is pretty good. Some sound effects would be nice, e.g. when launching and when obtaining a star.
Great job on the tutorial, explaining the game without using any words. Many, many thanks for drawing the trajectory ahead of time – without that, it would have been very tedious trial and error. In that vein, maybe the stars could also be highlighted if they were correctly on the path?
I have to admit I did give up before the end, on the level where you can rotate your starting location and move two gravity points. There are just too many degrees of freedom, and everything affects everything else, sometimes in a chaotic way (in the mathematical sense of the word).
Props for adding highscores! It's rare to see that in a jam game, but here it really helps lift the gameplay up from "try until you get a solution" to "find a solution that's actually good".
For how little information is provided on the jam page and withing the game itself, we were able to sort it out pretty quickly. Feels like that must mean the set up is fairly intuitive overall. Its also very wise of you to have left it so open ended as to be basically impossible to fail, really its just a question of how effeciently one would like to succeed. The one major pain point we had was the controls on additional celestial bodies being so difficult to see. I struggled a lot with the first level where you can move a "non=earth" planet because the control arrows were so similairly coloered to the background i shot four or five rockets before even realizing they were there. The music is also really fun, I love that wacky ass drum kit.
A great sandbox for playing with chaotic gravity systems. My only suggestion would be to have an early abort/restart button for when you know your trajectory actually isn't working out how you wanted.
Also I feel like collision detection might not be continuous - sometimes it looked as if my ship passed through a target (fast) but it wasn't collected. Might just be a perspective issue, but it happened enough times that I felt cheated.
Great visuals, and nice job including online scores - definitely encouraged me to try harder than I would otherwise
Graphics are really cool, especially the space curvature.
Different levels having different things to move is also cool.