Rocket Parking

A game where you play as a celestial being that controls planets to send rockets into black holes using the gravity fields of the planets.

A game where you play as a celestial being that controls planets to send rockets into black holes using the gravity fields of the planets.

The more you play, the more planets you unlock to control. There are 4 different planets, each with different gravity fields and strengths. They are unlocked at different score tiers, being 0, 10, 30 and 50.

Be sure to not let rockets hit planets. Play to achieve the highest score you can. In order to share your highscore, take a screenshot of the main menu after your run has ended.

Procedural Art Generatioin: Procedural Planet and Space Background Generators (Deep-Fold)
Music: Made by a friend (7Grand on Spotify)

Comments (6)

 • 4 days ago • 

FYI, ITCH put your page on Quarantined because your account is so new:

 • 2 days ago • 

I think this fits the theme wonderfully, and feels very polished! The music's awesome too, but there are tiny things that could be improved, imo:

  • Whether or not you're moving a planet changes things radically, so an indicator for the planet being in a "held" state would be great! If the controls were drag&drop instead of just clicks, then the cursor would make up for it.
  • When you try to place a planet in a forbidden area, such as in the middle of a black hole, it goes back to its original place in a non-held state, which can be disastreous if that place happens to have a starship flying through it! I think it would be better if the game simply kept the planet being held and somehow gave the information that placing the planet here was not allowed.
  • After playing a few times, the early game can feel very slow, a way to make the game faster (like 2x speed while right-clicking) would very much be welcome!

While I'm not really a fan of the gameplay (I like faster-paced games), that is totally subjective, I can see the game's really clean and I'm especially a fan of how the game is explained, so I just wanna say it's a good game!

 • 2 days ago • 

Your page is quarantined

  • 1 day ago • 

@Taevas Thanks a lot for the feedback, I'm glad to see people playing a game I made! I'm planning on making a clear visual indicator for the planets in their "held" state and ramping up the speed of progression, however a 2x speed mode seems like a much better idea. I agree with the planet going to its original position being possibly run-killing, I'll change it to a visual indicator and not let the planet be placed. I had originally planned for a drag and drop feature instead of a toggle, but ran into some bad bugs. I'll be working on patching them and introducing an option to select what is preferred. Theres some more gameplay and quality of life features that I want to add to make the game well rounded. Once again, thanks so much for the feedback, I really appreciate it :D

  • 1 day ago • 

@Soul @Beebster Yeah itch quarantined my page because my account is new, unfortunately I'll just have to wait it out :/

 • 7 hours ago • 

Nice job for a first entry/game! Always nice to get a finished and polished product out within 48 hours. I found the controls and physics worked well, and placing the planets down for just long enough to shift the rockets' tragectories without causing them to crash was a fun challenge.

My biggest issue was that the early period of the game feels like it takes too long to get going, and then having the game reset from a single spaceship crash can feel a little cruel. Maybe add some kind of optional "lives" system? Or a way to speed up the game so it's easier to get to the point you were at before you lost, at the cost of the early game being more difficult.

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