
Exploring the strange world of music trackers 0

Wan • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

We're in! I will be entering with teammate @thrainsa with whom I have a long history of jamming together.

During our previous game, made for Ludum Dare 39, I have mostly removed myself from the code part to focus on art & music. This time, because I'd like to spend more time to polish & test the Alakajam! site itself, I think I'll just do music, and either don't do art or go with something super basic.

Unlike most past jams for which I used the Reason sequencer, I'd like to take a shot at trying music trackers! I'm totally not used to their workflow, but I'm really curious to try them and discover the world of chiptunes. For now I'm considering the small tracker shipped with TIC-80 (pictured), depending on how I feel I might explore bigger stuff like FamiTracker.

Bonus: Listen to @wan's previous jam tunes

I'm in 1

automatonvx • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh these jams are addictive. Only started doing them pretty recently and done the last 3 Ludum Dare and had so much fun.
After years of messing around with game dev, game jams finally got me to finish some games and get other people to play them, probably because they taught me to embrace the strange world of programmer art.

Looking forward to have a game jam on european friendly times. Also I tried and failed to complete an entry for the Dragon Jam, probably because i tried to start from scratch in C++ and make an RPG, so this will be a chance for another shot.


  • Unity (probably) or maybe phaser, or monogame, maybe even C++ and SDL ;),
  • Aseprite or Blender
  • Reaper, maybe bfxr if i'm low on time

Heres a character from the C++ game i'll be putting on hold for the jam, I went for the gameboy palette, and if you working in 4 shades of green why wouldn't you make a Cthulu character right?

Just tried out Piskel. Lovely little thing. 1

wizcas • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

Thanks to the resources list by Alakajam for lettimg me know about Piskel! It's so lite and lovely that I can focus all my thoughts on making pixel arts. And its animation support - you have to give it a try if you haven't yet. And its exporting function makes it so easy for preparing game sprites.

I think I'll probably make a 2D pixel-style game in this jam. It's just nice and easy for me. For anyone who haven't viewed the resources list, just don't miss it in your preparation.

OK. I just want to show my quick work here, actually. It's my cat Nino (but I keep calling her Puppy)

My Introduction 2

OnlySimple • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

I am a young game developer and i am programming since two years, but i started game developement early this year. This is in general my second game jam (my first jam was Ludum Dare 39). My tools are Unity as the game engine, Photoshop to make sprites, bfxr for sounds and FamiTracker to make music. I am also very excited to take part on this jam.

May God Have Mercy on Us All 1

yoyodyne • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

This will be my first jam. I'm very new to game dev in general—I've yet to actually finish a game, but I figured that this jam will be a good incentive. I'm just hoping to produce something simple with a touch of imagination, a sprinkle of innovation, a dash of fun, a smidgen of humor, a scintilla of intrigue, an iota of repressed sexual energy, a mote of dust, a trickle of mysterious goo, and a dollop of Daisy brand sour cream.

I plan on using:

  • Unity
  • Blender
  • Gimp
  • Ableton

I have no idea what I am doing 6

webthingee • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

I have been working with Unity for the past 5 months and I am totally hooked.
I just completed a game that is in the Google Play Store, and pending approval for iTunes.

As I've been researching by scowering YouTube and other resource, I came across the LD. This lead to me spending way too much time watching hours of live streaming for the jam. I was captivated and inspired.. so… I think I wanna try it.

I'm a dev, not a designer… so I will be greatly challenged by visual aspect; however, I'm excited to take on the challenge.
I only have about 48 hours to invest, and I don't know anyone in the field/business/jam community… so I'll go solo and see what I can do this weekend.

Looking forward to getting into my first JAM and seeing what coolness everyone creates!

If interested, here's a little more about me:

Our first Jam 3

Spartaqui • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

Hello guys,

We are a french team and this will be our first jam! We are 2 developers (Damien & David) and 2 designers (Léandre & Lara). We’ll use Unity, Adobe’s soft and maybe some more.
Some of us are familiar with the videogame process, some of us will discover it during the jam, but in the end we all are pretty excited to do this!

Good luck everyone and HAVE A GOOD JAM!

Damien, David, Léandre & Lara

Yay! New jam! 4

wizcas • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

Hi everyone! My name is Wizcas. I'm from China, which means I'll have to wait until 3 am on Sep 23 for this jam starts ;) I participated LD38 as my first jam, and became a super fan of such events. So I'm here, trying to make something pleasing.

I found Alakajam accidentally, but decided to do this in no time. This site gives me a bunch of surprises - its logo, style, friendly guides of tools choosing, and a whole lot of other things which totally caught my interest. And, it will be the FIRST event in Alakajam's history. Exciting!

I'm not sure yet that I'm gonna to make a 3D game or a 2D game. It depends on the theme, I guess. I'll pray the final decision not to be a Sci-Fi thing… I really don't have much thoughts on such.

Let's do it ;)

// P.S.: I'm going to the Blizzard Video Game Live concert this Sunday evening. Time conflicts, but that's something I can't miss!

First Jam! 7

TestyRabbit • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

Hey everyone! This is my first game jam. I've been a professional game programmer for ~1 year now, and a hobbyist for a few years. This is my first game jam but I'm super excited. I tried getting a team together but getting people to commit an entire weekend is tough. If anybody wants to team up let me know! I have the most experience with UE4 but who knows what I'll use for this. I'm from the US btw. Good luck everyone!

New team, our first jam 5

Lokior • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

Hey guys, me and some friends (All ITs from different sphere) will participate for the first time in a jam as a team.

We still don't know what to expect but we're super hyped to be part of this.

We'll be using Unity, Audacity and

Still no super cool and/or cringy team name xD.

Let's do this! We'll have a lot of fun sharing our adventure with you guys and I cannot wait to see your projects as well!

Have fun and good luck this week-end!
