The Theme for the 5th Alakajam is: SPELLCASTING 2

TimBeaudet • 6 years ago on 5th Alakajam! 

The race to the finish for Alakajam 5 has officially started.

Choose Your Deadline

Ranked: February 24th at 19:00 UTC
Unranked: Febraury 25th at 19:00 UTC

You can work right up to the deadline as there is a submission hour after.

Keep In Mind

  • Sleep normally, eat regularly, drink lots of water and take breaks!
  • Keep your scope small and limited!
  • Share your progress by posting here, and using #alakajam on twitter.
  • Dev Safe, Have Fun and Good Luck!

Comments (2)

 • 6 years ago • 

Getting Started! Looking through my idea lists to find something that could be fun.

 • 6 years ago • 

Got the start to my character, movement, and I'm going with some element switching:

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