The 15th Kajam has started! 0

toasty • 9 months ago on 15th Kajam entry  Yelp

Let the limitations begin!

The task: make a game by 9th of June, using one or more of these limitations. Pick as many or as few as you like - if you're feeling brave, you could even take one from each category. They're intended to be flexible, as we have a wonderfully mixed community creating games in lots of different ways.

Good luck, and let us know your limitations!


  • Cramped: Executable is at most N bytes/pieces/whatever. Choose N appropriate for your platform/engine.
  • Esoteric: Game works on $obscure_platform.
  • Art attack: No assets; procgen only.


  • Geometron: Lines and shapes only: no images.
  • Seeing double: Use exactly two sprites.
  • Illustrator: Draw all your art by hand.


  • Orator: Make audio only using your mouth.
  • Bleep bloop: Music, generated by gameplay.
  • In the field: All audio comes from a single field recording.


  • Over-sensitive: Must use as many inputs (keys, buttons, devices, whatever) as possible.
  • Vestige: The past must leave a trace.
  • Window dressing: Game windows are part of the gameplay.

Note: if you need something more specific for the Demoscene limitations, I suggest looking at the Revision PC events.

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