Discover the results of the 6th Alakajam 0

Wan • 5 years ago on 6th Alakajam! 

It's official: the results for the 6th Alakajam! are out! You can find the results here:

Solo winners | Team winners

Kudos, high fives and back slaps to everyone who participated, in whatever way(s) you chose to. We hope you had a blast! If you have things to say about the event, we've got a short survey you should definitely check out.

Upcoming events

The next Alakajam! will take place on the 20-22 September 2019 week-end, book the date! Since September is in a long time, we have a couple events in store before then:

  • On July 12nd, we'll start the 4rd AKJ Tournament, where the community is invited like last time to play & compete on jam games! If you want to submit your own game to the event, follow this link.

  • The whole month of August will be dedicated to a new Kajam. Its host will choose a topic that we'll be invited to study and make a game around!

Have a nice summer everyone, we hope to see you in the upcoming events!

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