I'm in! 0

innomin • 5 years ago on 6th Alakajam! entry  Cardslingers

Last time was a lot of fun, this is a great game jam community! And thank you all so much for the three trophies on Elementary, I was kind of in shock when I saw it got first in gameplay and third overall. Glad you guys enjoyed it!

This time around I'll be trying out Godot for the first time, for a 2D puzzle or card game with nicer graphics, but still cheaper build overhead than Unity. There's still that CPU particle effect rendering issue with web exports and other clunkiness I'll have to work around, but compared to Unity's bugs Godot feels more efficient and stable, especially for 2D work. I'm excited!

Photoshop or GraphicsGale for art.
BFXR and PxTone for audio. (Web version if you're interested in checking it out)

Goals: (very likely a choose-two-of-three scenario…)
Make something fun and puzzle-y again!
Improve my art and audio scores!
Actually sleep!

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