Day 3: Done, but not "well done" 0

oriondark7 • 6 years ago on 5th Alakajam! entry  juicy ZESTY bitter SWEET

So the past two days I had everything working great and on my way to having a strong finish. That all went downhill this morning.

Instead of staying up late at night, I like to get up extra early and work because thats when the rest of my Family is asleep and I can have peace and quiet. I set my alarm for 4 AM on my watch last night. That worked, except the only problem is my watch's battery died after I fell asleep. Fortunately I didn't miss to much work time, as I slept in until 5 AM, but it still was a good chunk of time lost.

Everything went smoothly and I got a lot of work done until about two hours ago, when I was making the "How to Play" screen.

I decided to create my How to Play screen in Adobe Illustrator as it would be much easier to load the images instead of rendering and positioning all the text manually within Pygame, or so I thought. When I tried to use Adobe Media Encoder to turn the .ai files into .pngs, they came out completely wacky and I had little time to fix it, so I decided to use an online conversion site instead. Unfortuanetly, all the sites I went to either had a file limit or a size limit unless I created an account, which I didn't really have time to do. So I kept on searching for more sites to do convert the files on, and I got the same file or size limit. Something finally clicked in my brain that said "Making an account on one site would be much more efficient than searching through 10 more that won't work", which I wish would've popped into my brain much earlier, as I then only had 20 minutes left in the competition. When I converted the images, the custom font I used was lost in the conversion and a lot of the letters were for some reason erased, only making it so you could read parts of a word. I decided to put it in anyway, but it took so much time that I wasn't able to get to get the important few things I needed to get done in the end. So, if you play my game and it seems a little bit broken, that's why.

Sorry for such a long post, I'm just trying to explain why my game might end up weird when you play it. Good job to all that finished in the Ranked jam, and I hope you do well. I can't wait to rate all your fun games, I'm positive they'll all be great. See you all later, I'm going to take a nap.

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