Ever increasing zombie horde, unlimited ammos, no reloading and ricocheting bullets.
This game was made in less than 2 days for Alakajam 3, on the theme "Always Growing".And if theme is always growing , what else to expect than ever increasing zombie horde, unlimited ammos with no reloading and ricocheting bullets. Dont let any bullet go waste, Kill unlimited zombies with one bullet, warp from one edge to another edge.
481 on the first try. I tried at first to shoot just one bullet at a time, but when I realised that my own bullets don't harm me, I just sprayed away. Good job keeping the framerate high even when things get crowded!
The start is very slow, which is great on the first playthrough, but a bit annoying on subsequent attempts. But then it gets hectic too quickly, until a point where it feels like more zombies spawn per second than my gun can fire bullets, so you're doomed no matter what.
I like the comments in the bottom left. They would have been even better with Duke Nukem style voice acting.
The music does add a lot to the frantic atmosphere.
Fun little zombie shooter. The bouncing bullet mechanic was pretty cool. Would actually have been pretty fun to have a long delay between single bullets, but to have the bullets persist for a little while longer, so you could actually shoot several zombies at once (maybe just limit the number of times a bullet can hit a wall or something before disappearing). Then you'd have to think about where and when to fire.
Simple, standard take on the theme. Kind of funny them ricocheting bullets, originality points there. Zombies walking through walls is less funny… Those kind of cancel out in the interactivity department.
A bigger level, actually useful cover which zombies have to break through, and a clear wave based system which ramps up faster would all be improvements in my book.
Ok work.
Overall: Average (5)
Gameplay: Average (5)
Originality: Above average (6)
Theme: Average (5)
"Press Space to Suffer Again"
At least you understand what you have made.